A.   Types Of Licenses: Pursuant to this chapter, there are the following types of licenses:
      1.   Childcare facility license;
      2.   Childcare worker license;
      3.   Juvenile childcare worker license; and
      4.   Volunteer license.
   B.   Licenses Required:
      1.   No person shall own or operate a childcare facility without first obtaining and maintaining a valid childcare facility license as provided in this chapter and chapter 1, article A of this title.
      2.   No person shall act as a childcare worker, juvenile childcare worker or volunteer without first obtaining and maintaining such license or permitted temporary license status, as provided in this chapter and chapter 1, article A of this title.
   C.   General Standards And Requirements For License Application And Renewal: In addition to the minimum requirements set forth in chapter 1, article A of this title, the general standards and requirements for license applications pursuant to this chapter are as follows:
      1.   Application for any license pursuant to this chapter shall be made to the City Clerk in the form and manner prescribed by the City Clerk.
      2.   Every application containing untrue or misleading information may be denied without refund or consideration, and may result in criminal charges or penalties as prescribed by law.
      3.   Every applicant and licensee has an ongoing affirmative duty to update all information provided on the application for a license, in the event such information becomes outdated, untrue or otherwise incorrect, within ten (10) business days of such change.
      4.   Applicant and licensee shall report all misdemeanor and felony criminal convictions immediately, which shall mean no more than two (2) business days. This duty shall include, but not be limited to, any conviction on the applicant, licensee, employee or resident who resides at an in home childcare facility.
      5.   Applicant and licensee shall report all pending disqualifying crimes and outstanding warrants for the applicant, licensee, employee or resident who resides at an in home childcare facility immediately, which shall mean no more than two (2) business days.
   D.   License Fees: Every application for a license required by this chapter shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable license fee in an amount established by the City Council and listed on the most current City Clerk license fee schedule. License applicants are also responsible for any additional costs paid to agencies or criminal jurisdictions in other states for enhanced clearance checks.
      1.   The required license fee, and all other required costs and fees, shall be paid at the time of application for such license.
      2.   A license fee shall not be imposed upon the State or any of its agencies, departments or political subdivisions.
   E.   Licenses Remain Valid During Renewal Application Investigation: Upon the timely submission of a completed renewal application or a signed and dated certification or declaration made under penalty of perjury that circumstances are unchanged, the current childcare facility, childcare worker, juvenile childcare worker or volunteer license shall remain valid until the City Clerk reviews the applicant's qualifications and either denies the renewal application or reissues the license. (Ord. 36-14, 9-30-2014; amd. 2019 Code; Ord. 60-21, 12-14-2021, eff. 3-1-2022)