A.   Permit Application And Renewal: In addition to the minimum application requirements set forth in chapter 1, article A of this title, permit applications pursuant to this chapter shall include the following:
      1.   The name and contact information of the person who will be the main point of contact for the applicant business, including but not limited to phone numbers and email addresses;
      2.   A detailed diagram and description of the proposed sidewalk café space. The diagram and description of the proposed sidewalk café space shall include, but not be limited to:
         a.   Detailed scale drawing, including exact measurements of the proposed sidewalk café space;
         b.   Fencing or barrier (if alcohol will be served and consumed in the sidewalk café space);
         c.   Placement of tables, chairs, umbrellas, canopies, and other furnishings within the proposed sidewalk café;
         d.   Placement of all sidewalk or public plaza fixtures and furniture, including but not limited to bicycle racks, poles, flower planters, bus stops, news racks, electrical boxes, trees, tree grates, etc. surrounding the proposed sidewalk café; and
         e.   ADA considerations for the sidewalk or public plaza, including but not limited to curb cuts, sidewalk or right-of-way slope, spacing of the unimpeded pedestrian pathway, and placement of impediments (e.g., tree grates) within the pedestrian pathway.
      3.   The days and hours that the applicant requests the proposed sidewalk café be permitted to operate.
      4.   If the applicant proposes the service and consumption of food or nonalcoholic beverages within the sidewalk café space, the following information must accompany the permit application:
         a.   A copy of the valid permit issued by the Central District Health Department for the premises; and
         b.   A copy of the valid eating and drinking license issued by the City.
      5.   If the applicant proposes the service and consumption of alcoholic beverages within the sidewalk café space, the following information must accompany the permit application, in addition to the requirements set forth above for sidewalk cafés serving only food and nonalcoholic beverages:
         a.   A copy of the valid alcohol beverage license issued by the State of Idaho to the applicant for the premises;
         b.   A copy of the valid alcohol beverage license issued by Ada County for the premises; and
         c.   A sample of the alcohol signage as described in this chapter for Police review and approval.
      6.   Proof of Insurance as set forth in this chapter.
   B.   Manner; Form: Applications for the issuance or renewal of a sidewalk café permit shall be made to the City Clerk's Office in the form and manner prescribed by the City Clerk.
   C.   Ongoing Duty To Update: Every applicant and permittee under this chapter shall have an ongoing affirmative duty to update information provided on the application for a permit, in the event such information becomes outdated, untrue, or otherwise incorrect, within ten (10) business days of such change.
   D.   Conditions: Licenses may include conditions. If the City Clerk determines at any time that license conditions have not or cannot be met, the application may be denied or the permit suspended or revoked.
   E.   No Property Interest: Issuance of a sidewalk café permit and the related use of the sidewalk or public plaza shall be considered temporary and revocable. In no way does the issuance of a sidewalk café permit create or confer any property interest or entitlement to the renewal and continuation of such permit.
   F.   Application Timing: All applications for sidewalk café permits must be completed and filed with the Clerk's not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date the applicant intends to begin operating a sidewalk café. Incomplete or inaccurate permit applications may result in delay or denial of the permit. (Ord. 11-22, 3-29-2022)