A. Authorization Required For Discharge: No vehicle transported septage or other waste shall be discharged through direct or indirect connections to the sewer unless specifically authorized by the City. If authorization is granted for the discharge of such wastes into the sewer, an indirect discharge permit may be issued. The user shall pay all applicable charges and fees and meet such other conditions as required by the City.
B. RV Sanitary Waste Disposal Stations: Recreational vehicle sanitary waste disposal stations available to the public shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter. Issuance of an indirect discharge permit and payment of appropriate fees may be required. Recreational vehicle septage waste disposal through an approved building sewer connection at a private residence is permitted.
C. Additional Requirements: The City, in its discretion, may impose additional requirements, including training, licensing and issuance of a discharge control permit for each waste hauler providing services to IUs required to install and maintain pretreatment facilities for pollutants prohibited by this chapter. (Ord. 25-14, 7-8-2014)