A. Account Activation And Deactivation: After a service connection has been completed and approved, any person desiring geothermal service shall notify the Department of Public Works. The Department of Public Works shall activate a service account for the user's connection and the Department of Public Works shall activate the user's meter. Any user desiring to discontinue geothermal service shall notify the Department of Public Works and upon deactivation of the service account, the Department of Public Works shall deactivate the user's meter.
B. Service Deposits: Prior to activation of a service account, the City may require a reasonable cash deposit to ensure payment for the use of geothermal resources to be furnished by the City. The City Council, by resolution, may establish deposit amounts and guidelines for requiring such deposits.
C. Determination Of Service Fees: There is hereby established a system of periodic service fees and charges for the purpose of equitably imposing upon all users the costs and expenses of construction, operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the geothermal system and facilities. The determination of periodic service fees and charges may be based upon business needs of the system and other considerations, including, but not limited to:
1. Facility Replacement: Accumulate a reserve for replacement within the service area of distribution and disposal facilities and works. Such reserve shall be based on the total historical costs and estimated life of the applicable facilities and equipment. One rate schedule for service fees in this category will be devised and shall be the basis for charges to all customers in the service area.
2. Construction, Operation And Maintenance: Recover, equitably from users, the costs and expenses incurred by the City in constructing, operating and maintaining the geothermal distribution system.
3. Fixed Charge For Zero Use: Apportion equitably among all users those fixed costs which continue to be incurred whether or not individual users utilize the system. Such costs include, but are not limited to, costs attributable to providing basic office staff for the administration of the geothermal system. Payment of these costs shall be made by all customers, including those with zero (0) flow.
D. Review And Revision Of Service Fees: The charges and fees hereinafter imposed shall be reviewed and revised periodically as required and the charges and fees provided by this chapter are hereby levied and assessed against each lot, parcel or other property having any connection with the geothermal system.
E. Service Fees: The amount and rate of service fees shall be established by resolution of the City Council. Geothermal customers will be sent written notice of a proposed increase in geothermal service rates prior to Council consideration of the resolution. Any increase of geothermal service fees in excess of five percent (5%) shall require published notice and a public hearing.
F. Billing Of Service Charges: The Utility Billing Services shall mail regular billing statements to each user, which shall include:
1. Account handling charges, if any; and
2. Rate charges showing the type of user, number of gallons of water drawn from the system and the total charges therefor.
G. Estimated Bills: The City shall endeavor to have each user's meter read at regular intervals to determine the cost of the geothermal service. In the event the City meter reader is unable to gain access to the premises to read the meter on his regular trip, the City may estimate the user's consumption for the current billing period based on known consumption for a prior period adjusted for variation in temperature on a degree day basis; subsequent readings will be adjusted for difference between estimated and actual. Estimated bills shall carry appropriate notice to that effect. (1952 Code § 8-12-04; amd. Ord. 30-21, 6-22-2021)