The Homeless Services Advisory Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council and is established to:
A. Assist the City in reviewing applications for Neighbors in Need (NIN) Fund grants and, when funding is available, reviewing applications for other grants that serve a homeless services purpose.
B. Provide recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the expenditure of funds for programs and projects to receive grants at least annually.
C. Adopt, subject to input from the Our Path Home Administrator and review and approval by the City Council, reasonable guidelines and procedures proposed by the board to develop a process of selecting projects or programs for grants with preference given to projects and programs with demonstrated outcomes.
D. Direct staff to:
1. Develop a fiscal reporting program;
2. Provide periodic reports pertaining to success of the programs and projects funded; and
3. Develop an annual report to be presented to the Mayor and the City Council.
E. Recommend grants consistent with the funds. Grants shall be for a public benefit, and for a particular purpose.
F. Treat all entities applying for grants on equal footing. Criteria for selection shall not favor one particular entity over another.
G. Accept donations that support Our Path Home’s priorities.
H. Comply with the language of resolution 20251 establishing the NIN Fund. (1952 Code § 2-26-06; amd. Ord. 30-20, 9-1-2020)