A.   Certificate; Fee: Any person who successfully completes a City approved training program shall receive a City Certificate of Training, upon payment of a fee in such amount as established by the City Council. Successful completion of the applicable City certificate training program shall authorize the person to perform the functions of plan designer or responsible person as specified by the certificate.
   B.   Interim Certificates; Fee: Interim certificates can be obtained prior to the completion of a City approved training program by submitting an enrollment request form to the PDS with an interim certification fee in such amount as established by the City Council. An interim certificate issued by the City shall remain for ninety (90) days; holders will be required to attend an approved training class prior to the ninety (90) day expiration period. Interim certificates are not renewable. (Ord. 48-14, 12-16-2014, eff. 1-1-2015; amd. 2019 Code)
   C.   Request Form: The enrollment request form for an interim certificate or the training program shall contain the name, address and telephone number of the person receiving the certification, as well as that person's employer, and a brief description of the duties performed by the person to receive the certification.
   D.   Responsible Person Requirements: A certified responsible person shall be directly in charge of all sites of construction activity regulated by this chapter. A responsible person must meet one of the following requirements:
      1.   Certified responsible person (RP);
      2.   Interim certificate holder;
      3.   Certified homeowner certification (HOC) may be used for day to day control over the erosion control permit, plan and/or conditions in lieu of the regular RP certification under the following conditions:
         a.   Single-family remodel and additions (not new structures);
         b.   Sites are not located in environmentally sensitive areas (ES);
         c.   An on site conference with a City erosion inspector is required prior to commencing any land disturbing activities. The conference will be scheduled by the HOC after the City permits have been issued. Upon completion of the on site conference, a site preparation inspection with an associated pass of the inspection will be required. After the site preparation inspection has passed, additional work can commence;
         d.   The construction project is the primary residence of the person with the HOC. (Ord. 48-14, 12-16-2014, eff. 1-1-2015)