A.   Inspections Required; Report: All permitted sites shall conduct self-inspections to verify compliance with the permit conditions and this chapter. The inspection reports shall be documented and kept with the permit and/or erosion control plan.
   B.   When Inspection: Inspections shall be performed at least monthly and after a storm event of one-fourth inches (1/4") or greater within one business day of the storm event.
   C.   Projects Discharging To Water Body: All projects discharging to a water body impaired for sediment or a sediment related parameter, per the most current Idaho DEQ Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report, must inspect the site every seven (7) days and after a storm event of one-fourth inches (1/4") or greater.
   D.   Corrective Action: Corrective actions must be initiated within twenty four (24) hours of identifying a violation and shall be completed within seven (7) days. If it is infeasible to complete the corrective action within seven (7) days, the reason must be documented. (Ord. 48-14, 12-16-2014, eff. 1-1-2015)