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The standards in this section apply in addition to the generally applicable design and development standards this chapter unless indicated otherwise. Where there is a conflict, this Section shall prevail.
1. Residential-Office (R-O) Zoning District: Certain conditional uses in the R-O district may only be approved as part of a mixed use project of allowed uses such as office or residential and shall not exceed 30 percent of the gross floor area of the mixed use project. The conditional uses may be included within a permitted use building or in a separate building within a multi-building mixed use project. The conditional use may not be occupied until an equal amount of floor area of the principally allowed uses have been constructed to the core or shell stage.
A. Standards For Mixed Uses: The standards of this section shall apply to the listed uses as part of a mixed use development in the R-O district.
B. Retail Uses: The proportion of retail in mixed use development shall be not exceed 30 percent, except that the PZC may allow the proportion of retail to increase up to a maximum of 40 percent if the following criteria are met.
(1) Residential dwelling units represent the larger portion of the mixed use; or
(2) One or more of the following amenities are furnished at the developer's expense:
(a) Public Space: A public space (e.g., plaza, courtyard, pedestrian mall) with the following requirements:
i. A minimum square footage equal to 30 percent of the total building footprint,
ii. A minimum dimension of 20 feet,
iii. Shall be predominantly open above, designed for pedestrian use,
iv. At least ten percent shall be landscaped, and
v. Seating and other site amenities such as tables, trash receptacles, lighting, public art, and similar items shall be provided as appropriate.
vi. The PZC may allow private residential open space to constitute a portion of the public open space requirement; or
(b) Parking Structure: A parking structure with the following requirements:
i. The parking structure must provide at least 50 percent of the parking for the project.
ii. Below-ground parking structures shall be covered by a structure or by developed open space accessible to the public.
iii. Above grade structures shall be designed so that vehicles are not visible from adjacent public rights-of-way or pedestrian walkways, shall feature leasable floor space on the ground floor adjacent street(s), and shall have the same exterior surface materials as used on the principle building; or
(c) New Urbanism Design:
i. A design in which the buildings front on the sidewalk and the parking is located in no case closer to the street than the building.
ii. In the case of a parking lot beside the building, the width of the parking lot shall not exceed the width of the building.
iii. Parking lots may not be located at street intersections.
iv. A minimum ten-foot wide landscape strip shall separate all sidewalks from the street. The sidewalks shall be at least ten feet wide, of which the six feet closest to the street shall be established as a public easement.
v. The main entrance to the building shall face the street.
C. Planned Unit Developments: Planned developments in the R-O district shall comply with the provisions of Section 11-07-06.5, Planned Unit Development Standards, except as modified by the following:
(1) Minimum size provisions is 18,000 sq. ft.
(2) Area allowed for use exceptions will be based on the greater of land area or floor area.
(3) Special Use Provision: One square foot of residential use shall be provided for each gross square feet of use(s) approved by special exception.
2. Pedestrian Commercial (PC) Zoning District:
A. Building Types Allowed: Three types of buildings may exist in the PC District as follows:
(1) Rear Yard Building: This type of building occupies the front of its lot, full width, leaving the rear portion as a private space. The building facade clearly defines the edge of the public space while the rear elevation may be articulated for functional purposes. The depth of the rear yard can contain substantial parking.
(2) Side Yard Building: This type of building occupies one side of the lot with the primary open space to the other side. This type permits systematic climatic orientation with the long side yard elevation facing the sun or breeze. The side yard can be used for parking.
(3) Courtyard Building: This type of building occupies all or most of the edges of its lot while internally defining one or more private spaces. If the front or rear of the courtyard is left open, the courtyard interior may be used for parking.
B. General Provisions:
(1) Accessory And Ancillary:
(a) Accessory structures constructed in the rear yard only shall adhere to the standard setback requirements of this Code.
(b) All ancillary equipment or facilities (gasoline pumps, car washes, etc.) shall be set to the side or rear of the principal building.
(2) Access:
(a) Driveways to parking areas shall not exceed 24 feet in width if two lanes or 12 feet in width if one lane.
(b) Alleys shall be 20 feet in width and constructed to the standards of the ACHD.
(c) Main customer access shall be in the front half of the building nearest the fronting street.
(3) Screening:
(a) Hedges, garden walls, and fences may be built on property lines provided that they do not obstruct sidewalks or drive aisles. No berms shall be allowed. Front yard fences and walls shall not exceed three feet in height. Side and rear yard fences shall not exceed six feet in height.
(b) Trash containers, mechanical equipment, and outdoor storage shall be located in the rear yard and shall be screened from view with a wood fence, brick wall, landscaping, or a combination thereof.
(c) Bays and garages may not face the street.
(4) Setbacks:
(a) Where a zero-foot setback is used on an interior side yard, building walls shall be constructed without windows and with an appropriate fire wall in order to allow for future attachment of an adjacent building.
(b) A minimum of 15-feet from a front yard setback is allowed on arterials when one or more of the following conditions are present, and subject to discretionary approval under Section E:
i. Legal on-street parking exists adjacent to the project;
ii. A landscape median exists in the roadway adjacent to the project; and
iii. The arterial is designed as a three-lane roadway adjacent to the project.
(c) Front and exterior side setbacks shall be measured from immediately behind the curb.
(5) Conditional Uses And Variances: Conditional use applications under this code are intended for unusual uses and/or larger projects that may not easily comply with the standards or intent of this code. When considering such a conditional use application, the PZC may grant deviations from the code (such as to allow a large shopping center to have buildings dispersed around a site, not just at curb- side) without need for granting of a variance, provided that the intent of the code is met to provide a pedestrian- oriented design and an attractive, uncluttered street scene that is not dominated by parking lots.
(6) Building Height Standards:
(a) Two to three-story buildings are preferred on arterials of four or more lanes.
(b) When a building is on a corner lot and has frontage on both an arterial and a collector, the height allowed for the arterial frontage may also be allowed for the collector frontage.
C. Parking Areas: A primary purpose of the PC district is to ensure that parking lots shall not dominate the street frontage, interrupt pedestrian routes, or negatively impact surrounding neighborhoods. Parking areas in the PC district shall conform to the generally applicable parking regulations of this Code, except as indicated this section.
(1) Location And Design:
(a) All parking areas shall be located to the side or rear of the principal building. Parking lots should be located behind buildings or in the interior of a block whenever possible.
(b) Parking areas shall not abut street intersections, be adjacent to squares or parks, or occupy lots that terminate a street vista.
(c) All sites, where feasible, shall provide cross- access to adjacent parcels.
(d) Alley-loaded covered parking shall be set back five feet and located behind a paved apron. If adjacent to a residential use or district, parking shall be set back fifteen feet.
(e) No off-street parking shall be located within any front yard, except as provided for in Section 0, Accessible Parking Spaces.
(f) Landscaping requirements shall be as established Section 11-07-05, with the exception of subsection D, Transition Yards and E, Street Yards below.
(g) No parking space shall be closer to the street than the building.
(2) Parking Ratios:
(a) For non-residential uses, the requirements of Section 11-07-05, Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards, shall apply except that they may be reduced ten percent (cumulative to 30 percent) for each of the following categories of criteria that the development meets:
i. Located on an active transit route.
ii. Located on a street with a striped bike lane.
iii. Includes an integrated residential component pursuant to this Code that constitutes at least one- third of the floor area of the development; or shares primary vehicular and pedestrian access with an abutting residential use (the residential street and sidewalk system bisect the shopping center and primary access to the pedestrian commercial development is taken from the residential street).
(b) No development may provide parking in excess of ten percent more than the minimum requirements established in Section 11-07-05, Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards.
(c) All developments are encouraged to provide joint use of parking facilities pursuant to Section 11-07-03.3.D of this Code. Allowance of joint use may be made in addition to the maximum 30 percent reduction allowed for in this Code.
(3) Bicycle Parking Required: All developments shall provide bike racks in a prominent location at a ratio of one space per 5,000 square feet of gross building area.
D. Transition Yards:
(1) Pedestrian Commercial lots that abut existing residential lots shall provide a screen/buffer between the two uses in order to minimize visual contact and create a strong impression of spatial separation. This may include a wall, wood fence, landscaped earthen berm, planted vegetation, existing vegetation, or any combination of these elements. Minimum planter width shall be ten feet. Intermittent planting of deciduous and evergreen trees shall obtain a height at maturity of no less than 20 feet and have no unobstructed openings wider than ten feet between tree canopies upon maturity. Species selection shall be provided for in accordance with the Boise Community Forester's Tree Selection Guide or with approval of the City Forester. Pathway, driveway, or roadway connections between uses may cross these buffer areas.
(2) When new residential development is proposed on a back or side lot, with shared parking and/or vehicular access between the PC district and the residential district, the transition yard requirements may be waived or modified by the approving body, provided that the landscape requirements of Section 11-07-05 are met.
E. Street Yards:
(1) Separated Sidewalk:
(a) A minimum ten-foot wide sidewalk, of which at least the outer five feet shall be secured by public easement, shall be constructed along the entire street frontage of the PC lot. The sidewalk shall be separated from the street curb by a landscape strip that meets the dimensional standards of this Code, except where the strip transitions to meet an existing attached sidewalk on adjacent properties or where other flexibility is granted by this Code.
(b) On arterials, the landscape strip between curbside and the public sidewalk shall be ten feet wide, unless an alternative reduced setback standard is granted based upon the criteria in Section 11-04-03.3.A, Exceptions in the Residential Zoning Districts and as allowed in subsections (c) or 11-07-06.2.E(2)(d), below. On local and collector streets, a five-foot wide landscape strip shall be provided. These landscape area dimensions shall be in addition to any utility easement that exists adjacent to the sidewalk or curb. Paved sidewalk connections between an attached sidewalk and the building shall be provided through the landscape area on 50-foot intervals at a minimum.
(c) Exception: In cases where the applicant can demonstrate that utility locations, existing mature landscaping or other unique circumstances preclude the use of a separated sidewalk as required by this Code, the DRC may allow alternative designs such as an attached sidewalk or a variation in the dimensions of the sidewalk and landscape strip, provided that street trees are still provided as required by the code.
(2) Landscaping:
(a) Minimum two-inch caliper trees shall be planted in the front and exterior side landscape area. Tree spacing shall be determined by the spread of the mature tree, so crowns of adjacent trees touch at maturity. Where possible, Class II or Class III species shall be used to provide the maximum environmental benefits. Species selection shall be approved by the City Forester.
(b) Where any building or combination of buildings has a continuous street facing facade 100 feet or greater in length, provisions for a Class II or III tree within a sufficiently sized landscaped building offset shall be incorporated into the project subject to the approval of Design Review and the Boise City Forester.
(c) All species planted within public rights-of-way shall have the approval of the City Forester and be in compliance with the City Tree Ordinance (Title 7, Chapter 2).
(d) Alternatives to the provision of the full width front and street side landscape area (such as tree wells and street furniture) may be allowed with design review and City Forester approval in instances where pedestrian activity is expected to be high, adjacent roadway design (per 11-07-06.2.B(4), Setbacks) is conducive to smaller setbacks and/or the surrounding streetscape would be more compatible with alternative landscape and hardscape treatments. In these cases, the setback from back-of-curb may be reduced through reduction of landscape area. The presence of overhead utility lines in the landscape area may also be cause for modifications to the tree planting requirements of this Code, subject to design review and City Forester approval.
F. Residential Units: Residential uses are allowed as a secondary use at ground level or on upper floors above commercial or entertainment uses on the ground floor subject to the setbacks and height limitations stipulated in this Code. In addition, the following standards shall apply:
(1) Private open space (patio or balcony) per unit shall be a minimum of 60 square feet.
(2) The parking requirement shall be one space/unit plus one-half space for each bedroom beyond two.
(3) Parking must be accessed from the same driveway as the commercial parking area, and, residential parking spaces may be designated for the exclusive use of the residents.
3. Central Business (C-5) Zoning District:
A. Development Standards:
(1) Warehouse, storage, repair, manufacture, and similar uses or related activities shall be conducted in an enclosed structure.
(2) The sides of a building shall be designed to minimize environmental impacts such as glare, reflected heat, and wind. High quality non-reflective materials such as stone, tile, and brick are encouraged.
B. Ground Floor Retail Design: Design criteria shall be as follows:
(1) At least 70 percent of the ground level, street facing facade(s) must abut and be oriented to a public sidewalk or plaza.
(2) Shall be accessible to the pedestrian from the sidewalk or plaza.
C. Sidewalk Improvements Required: A continuous public walkway, located between the face of building and adjacent street or a street vacated for vehicular use, is required to provide for an improved pedestrian experience.Adopted city standards apply, except that where this section specifies more restrictive criteria, this section shall control. Design criteria shall be as follows:
(1) Size: The minimum width for clear pedestrian movement shall be seven and one-half feet. The overall width shall be at least 13 and one-half feet.
(2) Pattern: Location of pedestrian zone, and amenities zone, shall be consistent with adjacent blocks. The paving pattern and the placement of trees and pedestrian amenities shall be unobstructed.
(3) Surface Treatment: Surface shall be skid resistant, free of surface obstruction, and of a smooth gradient. The cross slope shall freely drain and not exceed four percent gradient.
(4) Street Trees: Trees shall be consistent with adjacent tree species (except when existing trees do not comply with city standards). Trees shall be two and one-half to three-inch caliper, symmetrical, and shall provide no physical or visual obstructions. Spacing shall be of a consistent pattern, with a minimum of 21 feet, and a maximum of 40 feet between trees.
(5) Pedestrian Amenities: Pedestrian amenities may include benches, bollards, newsstands, kiosks, tree grates, bicycle racks, planters, and trash receptacles. Elements shall be constructed of durable materials; of adequate quantity to meet the intended level of use; and compatible with the design of the space.
(6) Pedestrian Lighting: Shall be a minimum of 12 feet and a maximum of 16 feet in height, shall replace mid-block high mast lighting, and be normally spaced at 60 feet apart.
D. Floor Area Ratio Bonus: Buildings within the C-5 zone may exceed the maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) stated in Table 11-04.7, Dimensional Standards for Commercial Zoning Districts and Table 11-04.9, Dimensional Standards for Industrial Zoning Districts, in accordance with the following:
(1) General:
(a) A FAR bonus shall be awarded for an amenity feature if it complies with the required minimum design standards.
(b) Selection of amenities shall be subject to approval by the Design Review Committee to ensure conformance with adopted standards for the Downtown Policy Planning Area.
(2) Amenities: The following amenities shall be furnished at the developer's expense.
(a) Landscape Feature: An open space located at or near grade. Landscaped areas shall be in addition to other landscaped areas required by this Code. The minimum area shall be 200 square feet, or ten percent of the site, whichever is greater. The minimum width shall be five feet or ten feet if trees are utilized. The area shall be visible to adjacent vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the public right-of-way. Amenities may include lighting, water, art and provisions for seating.
i. FAR Bonus: 5:1 maximum, measured as gross square footage of permitted development for each qualifying square foot of area.
(b) Plaza: A public plaza of at least 500 square feet and 20 feet wide in any direction. A plaza space shall be predominantly open above; and designed for pedestrian use only.
i. FAR Bonus: 12:1 measured as gross square footage of permitted development for each qualifying square foot of area.
ii. Design Criteria:
A. Environmental Considerations: Plaza shall be located to minimize vehicular noise and prevailing winds. Solar protection shall occur from orientation or adequate tree canopy.
B. Accessibility (Physical & Visual): Plaza shall be visible from the public right-of-way. Three feet of vertical change to the adjacent street is permitted.
C. Compatibility (Location & Materials): Materials shall reflect those used on-site for the primary structure. Plaza layout shall be compatible with surrounding uses.
D. Aesthetics: The space shall be well proportioned, inviting, and compatible with its immediate context.
E. Landscaping: Between five percent and 30 percent, of the area shall be landscaped. Seasonal flower plantings shall be incorporated. Tree grates shall be provided if trees are included.
F. Surface Treatment: Paving shall be compatible and complimentary to surrounding uses.
G. Seating: At least two linear feet of seating shall be provided for each 100 square feet of plaza area.
H. Site Amenities: Trash receptacles and security lighting are required. At least one of the following shall also be included if appropriate seating areas, tables, tree grates, bollards, shelter structures, water, fountains, art, historic artifacts, and kiosks.
I. Special Features: Shall be included if appropriate to the design of the space. Includes: water, fountain, art, historic artifacts, etc.
(c) Residential Development: Residential units for sale or lease located within a structure that is developed as an integral part of a building or building complex.
i. FAR Bonus: 4:1, measured as gross square footage of non-residential development area for each qualifying square foot of residential development area restrictions.
ii. Below-grade residential units shall not be included in the square footage calculations for bonus floor area.
iii. Hotel or motel units shall not be included in the calculations for bonus floor area.
iv. Common hallway areas shall not be included in square footage calculations for bonus floor area unless the entire floor is residential.
(d) Parking Structure: A parking facility located within a structure.
i. FAR Bonus: 4:1, measured as gross square footage of development area for each qualifying square foot of parking structure located below grade; 1:1 one square foot for each qualifying square foot of parking structure located at or above grade.
ii. Design Criteria:
A. Below-grade structures shall be covered by a structure or developed open space that is accessible to the public.
B. Parking shall be enclosed so vehicles are not visible from adjacent public rights-of-way or pedestrian walkways.
C. The same materials used on the principal building must be used on the parking structure.
D. Parking maneuvering areas may be included in the calculations for bonus floor area.
4. Residential Modular (R-1M) Zoning District Design Standards:
A. Site Orientation: Multiple dwellings in a single building are allowed only in townhouse or row house design, with one dwelling per lot and with the dwellings attached at the common lot line. Units must have an entrance visible from the street and a sidewalk to the entrance from the street. On a street corner these features may be on the exterior side of the building. Where feasible, a detached sidewalk with a street landscape strip is preferred.
B. Architectural Elements: Attached units must have a facade or roof treatment that distinguishes it from the other attached units. Architectural treatments used may include individual pitched roofs, modulated facades, porches, different siding materials and colors, dormers and pop-outs, or vertical windows. These architectural treatments may also be used to demonstrate acceptable design for single family detached units.
C. Open Space: Units have individual on-site (backyard/courtyard) or common area open space equal to ten percent of the lot area. Open space must be at least12 feet wide and may not be located within setback areas, except in the case of zero-foot lot line developments where interior side yard setback areas may be used as open space. Common area open space may not be closer than five feet to a dwelling unit opening. Decks and balconies shall not constitute open space.
D. Landscaping: One deciduous tree of at least two-inch caliper shall be planted in front of each unit.
5. Planned Unit Development Standards: For planned unit developments, changes from zoning district development standards may be approved in accordance with this Section.
A. Planned Development Size: The minimum size for a planned development shall be as follows:
(1) Residential - no minimum.
(2) Commercial - one acre.
(3) Industrial - five acres.
(4) Office - two acres.
B. Amenities:
(1) At least two of the following amenities shall be provided in projects greater than one acre in size:
(a) Energy conservation measures such as solar energy, heating, or water heating capacity or water conservation measures such as the use of drought- tolerant plants.
(b) Private recreational facility, such as a swimming pool, tennis court, playground, or picnic area, in scale with the development.
(c) Landscaped open space of at least ten percent of gross development area. Setbacks are not included in the calculation of the gross area. The open space shall be designed so as to benefit all residents.
(d) Public access to or additions to the Boise River Greenbelt, neighborhood park system or other public open space.
(e) A Class I public bicycle circulation system to connect to existing or planned routes on the periphery of the development. Such facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with The Bicycle Pedestrian Design Manual for Ada County.
(f) Other amenities as approved by the PZC or Hearing Examiner.
(2) Residential planned developments on less than one acre shall provide each dwelling unit at least 100 square feet of open space.
C. Required Setbacks:
(1) Attached structures may be permitted in planned developments.
(2) Along the periphery setbacks must meet the district standards.
(3) At the periphery, the setbacks should, match the setbacks of existing development. For example, side setbacks should be provided adjacent to side setbacks, rear setbacks adjacent to rear setbacks and front setbacks opposite front yards.
D. Residential Density: The maximum number of dwelling units shall be calculated by multiplying the number of acres set aside for residential uses by the maximum density number from the tables in Chapter 11-04, Zoning Districts.
E. Residential Uses: A variety of housing types or residential uses may be included in planned developments including attached units (duplexes, townhomes), detached units (patio homes), single family dwelling units (except mobile homes and manufactured homes, see Section 11-06-03.1.D), and multiple family units (three or more units) regardless of the zoning classification of the district, provided that the overall density of the zone is maintained. Duplexes reviewed as part of a planned development shall meet the design criteria of Section 11-06-03.1.B, Dwelling Duplex.
F. Amenities Waived For Residential Infill Planned Developments: In reviewing residential infill planned development, the PZC may allow exceptions to the amenity standards of this Section.