A bed and breakfast enterprise shall only be approved if:
   (A)   The property is located on Main Street of the village;
   (B)   The residential appearance of the exterior of the building or premises is not changed and there is no visible evidence from off the premises of the proposed or existing bed and breakfast establishment except for the installation of a sign in accordance with the laws of the village;
   (C)   No alterations are made to the premises that would prohibit the immediate re-use of the same as a single-family residence;
   (D)   Sufficient parking is provided to accommodate the resident owners, resident family members, resident guests and nonresident guests. Parking may partially be provided on street if there are no more than two nonresident guest rooms. If there are more than two nonresident guest rooms, on-site parking must be provided as approved by Village Council;
   (E)   No more than five nonresident guest rooms are provided;
   (F)   A minimum of one dedicated bathroom is provided for the nonresident guest rooms;
   (G)   A minimum of one household bathroom is provided in addition to the dedicated bathroom(s);
   (H)   The property is maintained in accordance with the applicable provisions of ordinances of the village;
   (I)   The operation of the bed and breakfast establishment does not unreasonably increase pedestrian, vehicular traffic or parking in excess of the pedestrian, vehicular traffic or parking normally present in the immediate vicinity of the premises;
   (J)   The owner of the property lives on the premises;
   (K)   The operation only employs the resident owners, resident family members, resident guests and up to one other individual not residing on the premises;
   (L)   Stays for any individual nonresident guest are limited to 30 days in any consecutive 12-month period;
   (M)   Meals are not provided to anyone other than the resident owners, resident family members, resident guests and the friends and family members thereof and to the nonresident guests;
   (N)   Nonresident guest meals are limited to breakfast only;
   (O)   Nonresident guests are not permitted to cook in the household kitchen;
   (P)   The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use is not detrimental to nor a danger to the public health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare;
   (Q)   The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use is not injurious to the use and enjoyment to other property in the immediate vicinity for purposes already permitted and if it does not substantially diminish or impair property values in the neighborhood; and
   (R)   No retail sales occur on the premises except that items may be sold by the establishment to guests and that no sales be made to any non guest at any time.
(Ord. 10-2013, passed 5-28-2013)