Mobile home parks shall meet the following requirements.
   (A)   Park size. A mobile home park shall contain a minimum of ten acres.
   (B)   Density. The maximum density shall not exceed six mobile homes per gross acres.
   (C)   Width and depth. The minimum width of the mobile home park development shall not be less than 300 feet. The ratio of width to depth shall not exceed one to five (1:5).
   (D)   Yards.
      (1)   All mobile homes or accessory buildings shall be located no closer than 35 feet from the front property lines, nor closer than 20 feet from the side or rear property line. However, if the side or rear property line abuts an arterial street as shown on the major thoroughfare plan, the minimum side or rear yard shall be 35 feet.
      (2)   All mobile home parks containing three or more mobile homes shall be licensed by the state.
   (E)   Access. All mobile home parks should have access to adequate collector streets with right-of- way not less than 60 feet in width. Marginal access roads may be required if deemed necessary for mobile home parks that would have direct access onto an arterial street.
   (F)   Streets. The design and construction of the interior street system shall be sufficient to adequately serve the size and density of the development. All streets shall be paved (curbs and gutters shall be included) and shall not be less than 30 feet in width. The design and construction of the interior street system shall conform to requirements of the Village Council. Parking on interior streets shall not be permitted unless the pavement width is 35 feet at a minimum. Street width shall be measured from back of curb to back of curb.
   (G)   Walkways. All mobile home parks shall have paved pedestrian walkways at least four feet in width and be made of portland cement concrete of a thickness of not less than four inches. The design and construction of the system shall be subject to the approval of the Village Council. The location of necessary walkways shall be decided by the Commission and may vary relative to location, intensity of use and location of recreational areas and service buildings.
   (H)   Recreation and open space. At least 10% of the gross land area of the mobile home park shall be reserved for recreational and open space uses. This figure is in addition to any other open space areas required by yard requirements or other sections of this chapter. A clustering of units is encouraged.
   (I)   Buffering and screening. The outer boundaries of a mobile home park shall contain a buffer zone. This buffer zone shall be composed of a green strip, not less than 20 feet in width, located along all park boundaries. The type of plantings shall be approved by the Commission. The green strip may be in a yard adjacent to a street or road, provided all other provisions of the chapter are met.
(Ord. 16-79, passed 10- -1979)