(A) Permitted access.
(1) All residential uses are permitted to take direct access to local access streets or minor collector streets.
(2) Nonresidential uses in a residential zoning district may be permitted direct access to a local access street only if such access would, in the opinion of the Administrator or designee, improve traffic safety, as, for example, on sites located at the intersection of a local access and any type of collector street, or if a traffic impact analysis conducted pursuant to the provisions of § 95.36 indicates that such use would have no negative impact on the residential street.
(3) Where a new use will be located on a corner lot, the Administrator or designee shall have the authority to determine where the driveway may access the adjacent street system.
(4) If there are single-family or two-family dwellings located on a corner lot as of the effective date of this subchapter that have driveway access to a major collector, such use is encouraged to relocate the driveway access to a lower volume side street (e.g., to a local access street or minor collector street), closing off the driveway that accesses the major collector wherever possible.
(B) Alignment and separation of driveways.
(1) Driveways shall either be directly opposite other driveways or street intersections or shall be offset by the minimum driveway spacing distances shown in Table 95.34, except in locations where there is a raised median in the street.
(2) A driveway shall intersect a cross-street at, or nearly at, a right, 90 degree angle. In no case shall any intersection have an angle less than 75 degrees.
(3) The spaces established in Table 95.34 shall be measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement between the two closest edges of the driveways. See Figure 95.34-E.
(4) Single-family and two-family residential uses shall be exempt from this provision.
(C) Driveway setbacks.
(1) Driveways for residential dwellings shall be set back a minimum of three feet from all shared lot lines.
(2) Driveways for nonresidential uses shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from all shared lot lines unless shared parking or joint parking arrangements are made. This setback shall be increased to 25 feet if the use is adjacent to a lot in a residential zoning district.
(3) All driveways that access vehicular use areas where there is parking for five or more vehicles shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from any stop sign as measured from the sign pole to the closest edge of the driveway pavement.
(D) Dimensions of a driveway.
(1) Multi-family dwellings and nonresidential uses.
(a) All driveways shall have a minimum five-foot flare.
(b) In no case shall any driveway exceed 30 feet in width.
(2) Single-family dwellings.
(a) All driveways shall have a minimum width of eight feet and a minimum three-foot flare.
(b) In no case shall a driveway exceed 30 feet in width along its full length with the exception of any turnaround areas used for maneuverability.
(E) Additional standards.
(1) All driveways shall be constructed to the latest versions of the Ohio Department of Transportation design and construction standards, and shall be approved by the Village Administrator or designee prior to drive construction.
(2) Driveways shall be set back from an intersection of two roadways to the maximum extent feasible.
(Ord. 11-18, passed 1-14-2019)