Any person desiring a license for a self-service dry cleaning store shall make application in writing to the City Clerk. The application shall, among other things, state the name and address of the person requesting the license, the location of the store to be licensed and the number and description of the self-service dry cleaning machines to be located in the store. In the case of an original application for a store not theretofore legally in operation, the application shall be accompanied by a set of plans and specifications showing the manner in which the machines shall be installed, showing all plumbing connections, electrical wire connections and provisions for ventilation, all of which shall be in compliance with the Building Code, the Fire Code and other applicable ordinances of the city. In the case of an initial application, the City Clerk shall submit the plans and specifications to the Building Commissioner of the city for his or her examination and approval before the issuance of any license.
(Prior Code, § 117.042) (Ord. 1919, passed 11-12-1962)