(a)   Residential. R district uses are not permitted any permanent wall signs.
   (b)   Downtown Zoning District. The following sign regulations shall apply to all uses in the DT District. Each site shall be subject to the following limitations:
(1)   Wall Signs.
A.   For buildings or areas of buildings that house retail tenants with customer access from the exterior of the building, there shall be a maximum of one (1) wall sign per tenant space except that a building may also have one (1) sign on the side of the building that is no larger than the wall sign that is closest to it on the front of the building. The maximum sign width is sixty percent (60%) of the front footage of the tenant space. Total height of all tenant identification wall signs shall not exceed thirty (30) inches. Tenant identification wall signs shall be installed at a consistent height on the building.
B.   For buildings or areas of buildings that have offices and other non-retail tenants, where access to tenant spaces is not directly from the exterior of the building, wall signs shall be permitted in the same manner as for buildings in the BAN, BAS, or SP districts per Section 1143.04(c).
(2)   Ground Signs.
A.   There shall be a maximum of one (1) ground sign per lot per street frontage, except that developments with separate driveways more than 250 feet apart on the same street may have one (1) sign adjacent to each driveway, subject to the following regulations:
Table 1143 1: Building Identification Signs without Identification Signs
(or tenant identification if single tenant building)
Lot Street Frontage (feet)
Maximum Height (feet)
Maximum Width (feet)
Maximum Sign Size (square feet)
100 or more
Less than 75
Table 1143 2: Building Identification Signs with Identification Signs
Lot Street Frontage (feet)
Maximum Height (feet)
Maximum Width (feet)
Maximum Sign Size For Building Identification (square feet)
Maximum Sign Size For Tenant Identification (square feet)
100 or more
Less than 75
Table 1143 3: Tenant Identification Signs without Buildings Identification
Lot Street Frontage (feet)
Maximum Height (feet)
Maximum Width (feet)
Maximum Sign Size (square feet)
100 or more
Less than 75
B.   Entrance and Exit Signs. Maximum of three (3) feet in height and four (4) square feet in size.
C.   Sign Lighting. Internally illuminated or landscaped flood lighting only. No flashing, blinking or moving signs are permitted.
D.   There shall be compatibility of tenant identification signs, including shapes and colors, for all tenants within a building or development.
   (c)   BAN, BAS, and SP Districts. The following sign regulations shall apply to all uses in the BAN, BAS, and SP Districts. Each lot or premises shall be subject to the following limitations:
(1)   Wall Signs.
A.   Wall signs shall be mounted flat against the wall of a building with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the face of the wall, not projecting more than one foot from the wall, and not extending above any part of the roof or an eave. The total area of all signs on a wall shall not exceed 0.5 times the linear foot frontage of wall face.
B.   On multi-story buildings, wall signs above the first story elevation shall be no closer than 150 linear feet from each other.
(2)   Ground Signs.
A.   Ground signs shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height, the bottom of the sign shall be no more than two (2) feet from the ground, and the face of the sign shall be generally rectangular. Ground signs may have a masonry base that does not count as a part of the allowable sign area, provided the base is not larger than an area equal to the allowable sign area. Ground signs shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from all property lines. The total maximum area of a ground sign shall not exceed 0.5 times the linear foot frontage of the lot. Ground signs shall not exceed 100 square feet in area, nor exceed fifteen (15) feet in width on any one face. Ground signs may be double-faced, with the distance between faces not to exceed eighteen (18) inches.
B.   Each site is permitted one ground sign per site, except that an additional ground sign is permitted if the signs are separated by more than 600 feet of linear frontage along a single right-of-way or if the signs are separated by more than 400 feet and adjacent to separate rights-of-way.
(3)   Planned Unit Developments and Conditional Uses. Signs in Planned Unit Developments shall be permitted consistent with the approved plans.
(4)   Subdivision, Condominium, Landominium, Townhouse Development. Residential developments of more than five (5) lots or units may have one ground sign as follows:
A.   May have two (2) faces not to exceed twenty-five (25) square feet in message area on each face;
B.   Shall not be more than six (6) feet in height;
C.   Shall not visually interfere with motorist or pedestrian safety; and
D.   Shall include permanent ground landscaping around such sign, with external illumination.
(5)   Drive-Up and Drive-Through Uses. Menu boards for drive-up windows are limited to no more than two (2) boards, each board not exceeding thirty- five (35) square feet in area; located at least ten (10) feet from the nearest property line and the copy displayed, illustrations, and logos are not legible to a person of average eyesight standing on any property line.
(6)   Window Signs. Signs affixed to exterior windows or placed inside of windows facing the exterior:
A.   Shall not be considered in the measurement of wall signs.
B.   Window signs are permitted only at the first floor elevation.
C.   In the BAN, BAS, DT, or SP Districts, window signs shall not exceed the lesser of ten percent (10%) of the glass surface area or thirty (30) square feet for each store or office and shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the area of a single pane or twenty percent (20%) of the total area of the combined area of all such surfaces on the same façade of a building.
D.   Shall not be placed so as to interfere with a clear view of the cash register area from a passing police vehicle.
(7)   Incidental Signs.
A.   On-premise, non-illuminated, incidental signs on private property that contain no commercial messages, such as traffic and direction signs, parking regulations, limited access signs;
B.   Public notices or other governmental signs required by local, county, state or federal law or regulation;
C.   On-premise street address numbers, not to exceed twelve (12) inches in height;
D.   Signs inside buildings not legible from a distance of more than three (3) feet beyond the lot line or parcel on which the sign is located;
E.   Scoreboards on athletic fields;
F.   Works of art that do not include a commercial message; and
G.   Holiday lights and decorations with no commercial message, but only between November 1st and January 15th in BAN, BAS, SP, and DT Districts.
            (Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)