The Concept Development Plan shall include the following:
(a)   Survey or engineering drawings of the property to be rezoned.
(b)   Vicinity map.
(c)   North arrow.
(d)   Narrative description of the proposed development.
(e)   Proposed parcels contained with the development.
(f)   Existing property lines of adjacent properties, including owners of record, and existing zoning designations of adjacent properties.
(g)   The locations of proposed buildings and land uses within the development. The amount of land area dedicated for each type of land use shall be indicated.
(h)   For developments that include residential uses, the type of dwelling units, dwelling unit density, minimum lot sizes, frontages, and setbacks shall be specified.
(i)   Preliminary interior open space system and landscape concepts.
(j)   Location of existing and proposed public and private streets, parking areas, and sidewalks.
(k)   Minimum peripheral setbacks around the perimeter of the development.
(l)   Location of all existing structures located within the development and within 200 feet of the boundary of the proposed development.
(m)   Proposed locations for dumpster enclosures.
(n)   Traffic impact study, if the development is expected to generate 100 or more new inbound or outbound trips during the peak travel hours.
(o)   Additional information as requested by the Planning Commission or City Council to facilitate analysis of the benefits of the project.
      (Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)