(a)   Permitted Uses. Any use shall be allowed within a PUD District subject to the approval of Planning Commission and City Council.
   (b)   Minimum Development Area. The minimum area to qualify as a PUD shall be at least three contiguous acres in size. Planning Commission and City Council may approved a PUD that contains less than three acres if there are special site characteristics that exist and proposed uses justify development of the property as a PUD, such as a site redevelopment or infill project.
   (c)   Multiple Buildings on a Lot. More than one building is permitted on a lot.
   (d)   Ownership. Evidence shall be provided that the applicant has control over the land contained within the PUD application.
   (e)   Setbacks. Peripheral and internal setbacks shall be defined on the PUD plan as approved by Planning Commission and City Council.
   (f)   Transitions. PUD developments shall be considerate of adjacent developments and shall be designed in a way to mitigate undesirable audible and visual land use impacts to the adjacent land uses. Installation of facilities/features required to protect and preserve the character and value of surrounding residential properties shall be completed before occupancy permits will be issued.
   (g)   Circulation. The vehicular and pedestrian circulation system shall be designed to fully accommodate vehicular and pedestrian traffic with safety and efficiency within the development.
   (h)   Architecture. All buildings within a PUD development shall be subject to the architectural standards found in Chapter 1147 Architectural Standards.
(Ord. 2017. Passed 1-26-17.)