   (a)   Common and Technical Usage. Words and phrases shall be read in context and construed according to the rules of grammar and common usage. Words and phrases that have acquired a technical or particular meaning, whether by legislative definition or otherwise, shall be construed accordingly.
(ORC 1.42)
   (b)   Singular and Plural; Gender; Tense. As used in the Codified Ordinances, unless the context otherwise requires:
      (1)   The singular includes the plural, and the plural includes the singular.
      (2)   Words of one gender include the other genders.
      (3)   Words in the present tense include the future.
         (ORC 1.43)
   (c)   Calendar; Computation of Time.
      (1)   Definitions.
         A.   "Week" means seven consecutive days.
         B.   "Year" means twelve consecutive months.
            (ORC 1.44)
      (2)   If a number of months is to be computed by counting the months from a particular day, the period ends on the same numerical day in the concluding month as the day of the month from which the computation is begun, unless there are not that many days in the concluding month, in which case the period ends on the last day of that month.
         (ORC 1.45)
      (3)   A.   The time within which an act is required by law to be done shall be computed by excluding the first and including the last day; except that when the last day falls on Sunday or a legal holiday, then the act may be done on the next succeeding day that is not a Sunday or a legal holiday.
         B.   When a public office, in which an act required by law is to be performed, is closed to the public for the entire day that constitutes the last day for doing the act or before its usual closing time on that day, the act may be performed on the next succeeding day that is not a Sunday or a legal holiday.
         C.   As used in subsections (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section, legal holiday means the following days:
            1.   The first day of January, known as New Year’s Day;
            2.   The third Monday in January, known as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day;
            3.   The third Monday in February, known as Washington-Lincoln Day;
            4.   The day designated in the “Act of June 28, 1968”, 82 Stat. 250, 5 U.S.C. § 6103, as amended, for the commemoration of Memorial Day;
            5.   The nineteenth day of June, known as Juneteenth day;
            6.   The fourth day of July, known as Independence Day;
            7.   The first Monday in September, known as Labor Day;
            8.   The second Monday in October, known as Columbus Day;
            9.   The eleventh day of November, known as Veteran’s Day;
            10.   The fourth Thursday in November, known as Thanksgiving Day;
            11.   The twenty-fifth day of December, known as Christmas Day; and
            12.   Any day appointed and recommended by the Governor of this state or the President of the United States as a holiday.
         D.   If any day designated in this section as a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the next succeeding day is a legal holiday.
            (ORC 1.14; Ord. 2022-06. Passed 4-14-22.)
      (4)   When legislation is to take effect or become operative from and after a day named, no part of that day shall be included.
         (ORC 1.15)
      (5)   In all cases where the law shall require any act to be done in a reasonable time or reasonable notice to be given, such reasonable time or notice shall mean such time only as may be necessary for the prompt performance of such duty or compliance with such notice.
   (d)   Authority. When the law requires an act to be done which may by law as well be done by an agent as by the principal, such requirement shall be construed to include all such acts when done by an authorized agent.
   (e)   Joint Authority. All words purporting to give joint authority to three or more municipal officers or other persons shall be construed as giving such authority to a majority of such officers or other persons, unless it shall be otherwise expressly declared in the law giving the authority or inconsistent with State statute or Charter provisions.
   (f)   Exceptions. The rules of construction shall not apply to any law which shall contain any express provision excluding such construction, or when the subject matter or context of such law may be repugnant thereto.
   (a)   The repeal of a repealing ordinance does not revive the ordinance originally repealed nor impair the effect of any saving clause therein.
(ORC 1.57)
   (b)   An ordinance which is re-enacted or amended is intended to be a continuation of the prior ordinance and not a new enactment, so far as it is the same as the prior ordinance.
(ORC 1.54)
   (c)   The re-enactment, amendment or repeal of an ordinance does not, except as provided in subsection (d) hereof:
      (1)   Affect the prior operation of the ordinance or any prior action taken thereunder;
      (2)   Affect any validation, cure, right, privilege, obligation or liability previously acquired, accrued, accorded or incurred thereunder;
      (3)   Affect any violation thereof or penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect thereto, prior to the amendment or repeal;
      (4)   Affect any investigation, proceeding or remedy in respect of any such privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment; and the investigation, proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or enforced, and the penalty, forfeiture or punishment imposed, as if the ordinance had not been repealed or amended.
   (d)   If the penalty, forfeiture or punishment for any offense is reduced by a re-enactment or amendment of an ordinance, the penalty, forfeiture, or punishment, if not already imposed, shall be imposed according to the ordinance as amended.
(ORC 1.58)
   (a)   A reference to any portion of the Codified Ordinances applies to all re-enactments or amendments thereof.
(ORC 1.55)
   (b)   If a section refers to a series of numbers or letters, the first and the last numbers or letters are included.
(ORC 1.56)
   (c)   Wherever in a penalty section reference is made to a violation of a series of sections or of subsections of a section, such reference shall be construed to mean a violation of any section or subsection included in such reference.
   References in the Codified Ordinances to action taken or authorized under designated sections of the Codified Ordinances include, in every case, action taken or authorized under the applicable legislative provision which is superseded by the Codified Ordinances.
(ORC 1.23)
   (a)   If there is a conflict between figures and words in expressing a number, the words govern.
(ORC 1.46)
   (b)   If a general provision conflicts with a special or local provision, they shall be construed, if possible, so that effect is given to both. If the conflict between the provisions is irreconcilable, the special or local provision prevails as an exception to the general provision, unless the general provision is the later adoption and the manifest intent is that the general provision prevail.
(ORC 1.51)
   (c)   (1)   If ordinances enacted at different meetings of Council are irreconcilable, the ordinance latest in date of enactment prevails.
      (2)   If amendments to the same ordinance are enacted at different meetings of Council, one amendment without reference to another, the amendments are to be harmonized, if possible, so that effect may be given to each. If the amendments are substantively irreconcilable, the latest in date of enactment prevails. The fact that a later amendment restates language deleted by an earlier amendment, or fails to include language inserted by an earlier amendment, does not of itself make the amendments irreconcilable. Amendments are irreconcilable only when changes made by each cannot reasonably be put into simultaneous operation.
         (ORC 1.52)
   (a)   In enacting an ordinance, it is presumed that:
      (1)   Compliance with the constitutions of the State and of the United States is intended;
      (2)   The entire ordinance is intended to be effective;
      (3)   A just and reasonable result is intended;
      (4)   A result feasible of execution is intended.
         (ORC 1.47)
   (b)   An ordinance is presumed to be prospective in its operation unless expressly made retrospective.
(ORC 1.48)
   (c)   If an ordinance is ambiguous, the court, in determining the intention of Council may consider among other matters:
      (1)   The object sought to be attained;
      (2)   The circumstances under which the ordinance was enacted;
      (3)   The legislative history;
      (4)   The common law or former legislative provisions, including laws upon the same or similar subjects;
      (5)   The consequences of a particular construction;
      (6)   The administrative construction of the ordinance.
         (ORC 1.49)