(a) Study and review programs and policies and advise the City Council on enlisting the cooperation of agencies, organizations and individuals in the city in an active program directed to create equal opportunity and eliminate discrimination and inequalities;
(b) Advise the City Council on implementing such recommendations as may be appropriate to the city, including, but not limited to, such things as:
(1) Specific programs of public information regarding the statutory requirements of the Minnesota Human Rights Act (M.S. Chapter 363A);
(2) Comprehensive studies and surveys of practices in the community;
(3) Programs of affirmative action to be developed with employers, the housing industry, the educational institutions and governmental agencies;
(4) Programs of review to give and gain information regarding compliance with state requirements concerning equal opportunity;
(5) Programs designed to alleviate community tension; and
(6) Programs designed to create a genuine climate of community readiness to accept orderly and demonstrable change in eliminating barriers of equal opportunity.
(c) Refer all grievances received involving discrimination occurring within the city to the appropriate state or federal enforcement departments or agencies and make all appropriate reports to the City Council;
(d) Advise the Bloomington Independent School District No. 271 on matters relating to human rights, in accordance with the resolution of the City Council adopted May 4, 1970;
(e) Establish committees, as the
finds it to be necessary, in the following areas:
(1) The various areas of concern under the Minnesota Human Rights Act;
(2) Public information;
(3) Legislation; and
(4) Liaison with other organizations including other city commissions and agencies; and
(f) Perform such other functions concerning human rights as the City Council may from time to time direct.