(a)   The Director of Community Development or designee will review proposed development projects to determine if an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW), Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), or an update to an existing Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) is required pursuant to Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.
   (b)   The city may order preparation of a discretionary EAW for a proposed development project that does not meet the mandatory thresholds for an EAW or EIS review, if it determines that due to its nature or location the project may have the potential for significant environmental effects, provided the project is not exempted pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 4410.4600. Such an order must be formalized in a resolution approved by the City Council, including findings that clearly describe the potential environmental effects.
   (c)   If an EAW, EIS, or an AUAR update is required or ordered for a proposed development project, the city may not take official action to approve the project, grant a permit, or begin the project until environmental review, as required herein, is completed. The city may commence review of the project concurrent with preparation and review of required environmental documentation.
   (d)   In accordance with M.S. § 15.99 subd. 3(d), agency action time limits are extended to 60 days after completion of the last process required pursuant to Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.
   (e)   The Community Development Director will determine whether the necessary environmental documentation is complete prior to publishing notice in the EQB Monitor and distributing the draft for review and comment.
(Ord. 2021-26, passed 8-30-2021)