(a) Purpose. The following standards are intended to accommodate single-family dwellings while protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community.
(b) Standards.
(1) Private swimming pools.
(A) Location.
(i) Front yard - not permitted.
(ii) Side and rear yard not abutting a public street - a minimum setback from property lines must be provided of at least 18 feet to the water’s edge of the pool and 15 feet to any appurtenant equipment not enclosed in a building. If located within a structure or accessory building see city code § 21.301.19 for applicable standards.
(iii) Side and rear yard abutting a public street - minimum setback matches the required setback of the principal structure in the zoning district, see city code § 21.301.02.
(iv) Pools and appurtenant equipment may not encroach into public easements.
(2) Permanent or seasonal recreational courts.
(A) Location.
(i) Front yard - not permitted.
(ii) Side and rear yard not abutting a public street - a minimum setback from property lines must be provided of at least 15 feet.
(iii) Side and rear yard abutting a public street - minimum setback matches the required setback of the principal structure in the zoning district, see city code § 21.301.02.
(iv) Permanent or seasonal recreational courts may not encroach into public easements.