(a)   Intent. The Lindau Mixed-Use District, is intended for a dense mix of commercial, hospitality and office uses in a compact area with excellent accessibility to transit service and a high level of amenities. The LX District provisions are intended to:
      (1)   Allow a broad mix of uses to create a vibrant, walkable and transit-supportive district;
      (2)   Encourage active uses along the street to create a safe and inviting pedestrian environment;
      (3)   Promote an attractive streetscape through building placement and design;
      (4)   Encourage sustainable best practices in building, site and infrastructure design;
      (5)   Reduce the visual impact of parked vehicles by requiring the placement of vehicle parking areas to the side or rear of buildings; and
      (6)   Maximize utilization of the small supply of land in the city that lies within one-half mile of high frequency mass transit service.
   (b)   Uses. Uses allowed in the LX District as permitted, accessory, conditional, limited, or interim uses are listed in Table 21.209(f) as well as the following additional interim uses.
      (1)   Additional interim uses.
         (A)   Storage of construction materials, equipment and supplies for public street and highway projects.
         (B)   Reserved.
      (2)   Interim use standards. Any buildings or other site improvements associated with the interim use must be of nominal value or portable. Temporary buildings must only support the proposed use. Temporary buildings are exempt from the minimum building floor area requirements of the LX District, but must be designed and constructed in a manner assuring safety for occupants and others affected, as determined by the issuing authority.
   (c)   Standards. Development in the LX District must comply with the standards in §§ 21.301.01, 21.301.02, 21.301.03, 20.301.10 and the following.
      (1)   Floor area ratio, building floor area, impervious surface area, site width and site area must comply with the applicable requirements of § 21.301.01 as well as the following.
         (A)   Floor area ratio; minimum. The minimum floor area ratio on sites in the LX District may be decreased to 0.50 provided that:
            (i)   At least 50% of building frontages along a public street are located at the minimum setback required;
            (ii)   At least 60% of the primary building facade along a public streets is at least three stories or 50 feet in height;
            (iii)   Buildings facing onto Lindau Lane meet or exceeds the ground level building design requirements in§§ 21.301.03(b); and
            (iv)   On-site parking supply does not exceed code requirements.
(Ord. 2013-26, passed 11-4-2013; Ord. 2015-3, passed 1-26-2015; Ord. 2017-17, passed 6-5-2017; Ord. 2019-5, passed 1-7-2019)