(a)   Purpose. It is the purpose of the Freeway Commercial Zoning Districts to provide areas near freeway corridors and interchanges for medium to large-scale development oriented to the wider community and region. Freeway Commercial District provisions are intended to:
      (1)   Accommodate market demand for regionally and community oriented land uses;
      (2)   Provide space for commercial uses that may be incompatible with residential uses or other less intensive types of land uses;
      (3)   Maximize tax base opportunities for the community;
      (4)   Accommodate development intensities that can support high quality, frequent transit service;
      (5)   Provide a buffer between freeways and low density residential areas;
      (6)   Avoid the underutilization of land along the freeway corridor; and
      (7)   Encourage a citywide balance of land use types.
(Ord. 2006-35, passed 9-11-2006)