(a)   Erosion and sediment control. Prior to the issuance of a grading, parking lot, foundation, or building permit for any development, improvement, or alteration of land, a plan for erosion and sediment control must be presented with the site plan. The erosion and sediment control plan must implement the methods and best management practices in conformance with the city’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. The erosion and sediment control plan must specify the measures to be used before, during, and after construction until the soils and slopes are stabilized by permanent cover. These control measures must be maintained in good working order until site stabilization occurs. In areas which are especially susceptible to erosion hazard or sedimentation damage, such as steep slopes, erosive soils, or those areas in close proximity to environmentally sensitive areas, the may require additional measures or best management practices to ensure protection of resources.
   (b)   Erosion and sediment control surety. The will require a surety in the form of a performance bond or cashier’s check to be filed pursuant to § 15.11 of this code. The surety amount will be as set forth in City Code Appendix A.
   (c)   Erosion control on steep slopes. To protect areas with steep slopes from erosion caused by surface runoff due to development, all new development must comply with the requirements of § 19.57.01.
(1958 Code, § 20.06) (Ord. 79-14, passed 2-20-1979; Ord. 81-52, passed 11-2-1981; Ord. 98-36, passed 8-3-1998; Ord. 2007-50, passed 12-17-2007; Ord. 2009-1, passed 1-26-2009; deleted by Ord. 2011-6, passed 2-28-2011; added by Ord. 2013-2, passed 2-25-2013; Ord. 2015-28, passed 11-2-2015; Ord. 2022-40, passed 8-29-2022)