Additions, insertions and changes to sections of the fire prevention code are hereby revised as follows:
Subsection [A]101.1 Title (page 1-1, name of jurisdiction, insert in second line)
Insert: village of Bloomingdale.
Subsection [A]101.2 Scope (page 1-1, addition to scope, number (6.) and (7.) to be added)
(6.) All references in this code to the international building code or the international existing building code shall be meant to conform to the current provisions of the village building code.
(7.) All references to the international residential code, the construction of one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) no more than three (3) stories in height with a separate means of egress are to conform to the current provisions of the village residential building code.
Subsection [A]101.6 Zoning (page 1-1, add new subsection)
Add: Zoning - The restrictions of the title 11 Zoning Regulations of the village code, as amended from time to time, shall not be deemed to be modified by any provision of this code; and such restrictions shall be controlling except insofar as this code imposes greater restrictions in which case the life safety provisions of this code shall control.
Subsection [A]101.7 Legislative (page 1-1, add new subsection)
Add: Legislative - If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter is, or shall be for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter. The village board hereby declares that it would have approved this chapter, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared invalid.
Subsection [A]102.3 Change of Use or Occupancy (page 1-2, add to end of subsection)
Add: No building upon which a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued shall be used for a different classification or group occupancy until a certificate of occupancy for such different use shall have been issued by the building commissioner; provided, however, that no certificate of occupancy shall be issued in any event unless the occupancy or use of the building complies with the zoning law. "Change of occupancy" is not intended to mean change of tenant or proprietor, provided the new tenant is to occupy the building for a purpose, which would not involve its reclassification into a different occupancy or use group.
Section 103 Code Compliance Agency (page 1-2, insert in first line)
Insert: The building commissioner shall be charged with the enforcement of the fire prevention code as amended herein, and the building commissioner shall be known as the fire code official where referenced in this code.
Subsection [A]105.1 Permits - General (page 1-4, permits section - add to second line)
Add: Permits shall be governed by title 10, chapter 1 of the village code.
Subsection [A]105.3.1 Permits - Expiration (page 1-5, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Permit expiration shall be governed by title 10, chapter 1 of the village code.
Subsection [A]106.2.1 Information on Construction Documents (page 1-12, add to end of subsection)
Add: Unless otherwise specified by the building commissioner, each application shall be accompanied by a minimum of six (6) sets of drawings and specifications signed and sealed by an architect licensed to practice architecture as provided by the Illinois architectural act, or by a structural engineer licensed to practice structural engineering as provided by the Illinois architectural act, or by the owner of said proposed building when it is determined to be sufficient by the building commissioner. To obtain a permit, the owner or his representative shall file an application on a form furnished by the village for that purpose, and shall include a signed statement indicating the proposed occupancy or use of all parts of the building and the estimated construction cost thereof.
Subsection [A]108.2 Inspections (page 1-13, add to end of subsection)
Add: It shall be unlawful to occupy, utilize, conduct operations, or conduct business on premises prior to obtaining occupancy or compliance inspection approval from the village of Bloomingdale. No building, premises or part thereof, hereafter erected, or a structure of which shall hereafter be altered or repaired and for which a permit shall be required as provided in this code, and no existing building in which the character of the occupancy is to be changed, shall be occupied or used in whole or in part until a certificate of occupancy and compliance shall have been issued by the building commissioner. Such certificate shall carry the certification of the building commissioner that said building, premises or part thereof conforms to the requirements of this and any other applicable village code or ordinance, and that said building, construction, alteration, repair, use or proposed operation is in compliance with the plans and specifications upon which the permit required by this code was issued.
Section 111 Board of Appeals (page 1-14, Board of Appeals, delete section and insert)
Delete: Entire section.
Insert: That any person, firm or corporation shall have the right to appeal a decision of the building commissioner (fire code official) to the planning and zoning commission. Means of appeal shall follow requirements set forth in title 11, chapter 3, section 7 (Appeals) of the village code.
Subsection [A]112.3 Notice of Violation (page 1-14, add to end of subsection)
Add: Upon the failure of the owners of said building or other structure, or the party or parties interested therein, within five (5) days after the service of the notice of failure to comply with an order of the president and board of trustees to begin the work of making safe or sanitary or of removing and demolishing said building or other structure, or upon the failure of the owner or owners or the party or parties interested therein after beginning such work to proceed continuously without unnecessary delay to completion thereof, the village may take any action at law or in equity to restrain the use of such structure, or may proceed against the owner or any person in possession of the same in a penal action before the 18th circuit court in DuPage County for the violation of the provisions of this code. The village may also, in its discretion, cause the structure to be secured to prevent access, cleaned of unsanitary conditions detrimental to the public or removed in its entirety, after the failure, within the time hereinabove provided for, to restore the same to a safe condition.
Subsection [A]112.3.1 Service (page 1-14, add to subsection)
Add: Whenever the building commissioner shall condemn and declare any building or other structure to be a nuisance because of dangerous or unsanitary condition thereof, he shall cause a notice in writing to be served upon the owner or owners, upon the tenant and occupant thereof, if any, and upon the holder or holders of any encumbrances or general tax lien thereof, if any, ordering and directing said building or other structure to be put in a safe or sanitary condition or be demolished and removed. Service of said notice may be effected by personal delivery thereof, or by mailing a copy thereof by registered mail directed to the person involved, at his last address known to the building commissioner or available to him upon examination of the records of the county treasurer and county clerk of DuPage County, Illinois, as the case might be and by posting a copy thereof upon the premises subject to such condemnation.
Subsection [A]112.4.1 Abatement of violation (page 1-14, add to subsection)
Add: If any building or other structure has become dangerous to life, limb or property or to the public because of structural defects, deterioration, or fire damage, or has become so unsanitary or out of repair as to render the same unsafe and unfit for occupancy or human habitation, it shall be deemed a nuisance, and the building commissioner, if and when he shall find any such conditions exist, shall declare such building or other structure a nuisance and shall condemn the same, and no person, firm or corporation shall occupy, rent, lease or use such building or other structure with or without compensation. The violations of the provisions of this section shall constitute a petty offense, and any person, firm or corporation found guilty of a violation thereof shall be subject to a fine in the manner and amount as provided by village code.
Subsection [A] 113.4 Failure to comply (page 1-15, delete and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Failure to comply fine amounts provided in section 1-4-1 of the village code for each day in violation.
Subsection 307.1.1 Prohibited open burning (page 3-3, add to subsection)
Add: Open burning shall be prohibited for the disposal of building materials, refuse, garbage, trash or landscape waste material such as leaves, grass or shrubbery.
Subsection 307.4.2 Recreational fires (page 3-3, add to subsection)
Add: Recreational fires shall be prohibited for the disposal of building materials, refuse, garbage, trash or landscape waste material such as leaves, grass or shrubbery. Recreational fires in outdoor fire places shall be located on a noncombustible surface or in areas where vegetation has been cleared away to prevent the spread of fire. Fire pits shall not exceed four (4) feet in diameter or sixteen (16) square feet in area.
Subsection 310.9 Prohibited smoking in assembly areas (page 3-6, new subsection)
Add: Smoking or carrying a lit cigar, cigarette or pipe shall be prohibited in all areas used as for public assembly with seating accommodations or standing room only, or in areas in which theatrical shows, lectures, amusements or other forms of entertainment are offered, presented, operated or exhibited.
Subsection 311.2 Safeguarding vacant premises (page 3-6, add to subsection)
Add: The building owner shall provide current building key holder contact information to the building commissioner and the fire protection district having jurisdiction.
Subsection 503.4 Obstruction of fire apparatus access roads (page 5-2, add to subsection)
Add: Vehicles shall not obstruct access to fire department fire sprinkler connections, fire lanes or fire access driveways or roads.
Subsection 506.1 Key Boxes - Required access (page 5-3, add to subsection)
Add: Key boxes shall be provided on all high-rise stairwell exit discharges and on all Use Group I exit doors as required by the building commissioner and fire protection district have jurisdiction.
Subsection 506.3 Security Locking Systems (page 5-3, new subsection)
Add: All buildings except those in use groups R-3 and R-4 shall have installed an approved key safe system.
Subsection 506.4 Type and Location (page 5-3, new subsection)
Add: The fire protection district having jurisdiction shall review and approve the type of key safe for use within its fire protection district. The key safe shall be mounted on the exterior of the building in a location approved by the fire protection district having jurisdiction.
Subsection 506.5 Electric Security Gates (page 5-3, new subsection)
Add: At properties equipped with electric security gates, the gates shall be provided with a key switch that activates the operation of the gate. The key switch shall be of the type approved for this use by the fire protection district. The location of the key switch shall be approved by the fire protection district having jurisdiction.
Subsection 506.6 Security Gates (page 5-3, new subsection)
Add: At properties equipped with security gates, provisions shall be made for securing of the gate in locked position using a double padlock system. A padlock approved for this use by the fire protection district shall be provided in addition to the occupant's padlock.
Subsection 507.5.1 Fire hydrant systems Where required (Page 5-4, delete and amend to read as follows)
Delete: Entire subsection
Add: Water supplies for automatic sprinkler systems shall comply with this section and the standards referenced in Section 903. The potable water supply shall be protected against backflow in accordance with the requirements of this section and the International Plumbing Code. Hydrant water flow data used for the design of any sprinkler system shall be less than 1 year old.
Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrant locations shall comply with the following conditions.
1. One fire hydrant shall be located within 100 feet of all fire department sprinkler and standpipe connection(s).
2. At least two (2) fire hydrants shall be located within three hundred (300) feet of all buildings
3. Fire hydrants shall be located along public streets so that no portion of the perimeter building will be over 300 feet from a fire hydrant. Where this is not possible, additional hydrants shall be located on the premises accessible to motorized fire apparatus.
4. Fire hydrants shall be located that:
a. Access to fire hydrants shall be by all-weather roadways adequate in width, clearance and strength for fire-fighting purposes. Such routes shall be maintained accessible during all seasons of the year. Legal provisions shall be required for private roads. Pumper outlets shall face such roadways.
b. Hydrants should be located within ten (10) feet from all-weather roadways. At no time shall the closest part of the hydrant be setback less than three (3) feet from the curb line.
c. Hydrants shall be located a minimum fifty (40) feet from the building to be protected or at an approved location by the protection district having jurisdiction.
5. Fire hydrants used in conjunction with water supplies shall be approved by the protection district having jurisdiction and shall be installed at the same time the water main is installed. All hydrants shall have a minimum six (6) inch inlet, a four and one-half inch (4 ½") discharge port and two, two and one-half inch (2-1/2") discharge ports which are equipped with National Standard Hose coupling threads. The hydrant shall open "left handed". Discharge ports shall face the adjacent roadway and shall be installed at sixteen (16) to twenty-four (24) inches above adjacent grade as measure to the bottom of the steamer port.
6. Fire hydrants shall be protected from accidental damage by approved methods when located in areas subject to vehicle damage. All protective devices shall be located so as not to obstruct the normal operations of the fire hydrant.
7. Plans showing fire hydrant placement and water main size and location shall be submitted to the protection district having jurisdiction for approval prior to installation.
Subsection 510.1 Emergency Responder Communication Coverage, (page 5-6 insert at bottom of first paragraph)
Insert: Radio Communications: When conditions exist with radio equipment which interferes with the efficiency and use of fire protection equipment and or response of the fire protection district, a bi-directional radio amplification system shall be required to be installed within or on the building to ensure a 95 percent reliability factor for radio use within the structure(s). This system shall be designed to operate in conjunction with the equipment utilized by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. When any required fire communication enhancement system is installed and becomes inoperative, thus affecting the fire safety of the building, structure or the occupants therein, the fire code official shall order the system, unit, or device to be repaired and returned to full service, or the building(s) vacated until the system is repaired and returned to full operating service. It will be the responsibility of the owner or occupant to make test, repairs, alternations or additions to ensure the system is properly maintained. The radio communication system shall be designed to operate on battery back-up power supply for a minimum of 60 hours. The radio communication system shall operate on radio frequency(s) as specified by the fire code official.
Subsection 903.2.1.1 Group A-1 (page 9-5, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-1 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.1.2 Group A-2 (page 9-5, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-2 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.1.3 Group A-3 (page 9-5, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-3 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.1.4 Group A-4 (page 9-5, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-4 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.1.5 Group A-5 (page 9-5, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group A-5 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.2 Ambulatory Care Facilities (page 9-5, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all ambulatory care facilities in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.3 Group E (page 9-6, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group E occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.4 Group F-1 (page 9-6, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group F-1 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.6 Group I (page 9-6, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group I occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.7 Group M (page 9-6, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group M occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.9 Group S-1 (page 9-7, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group S-1 occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.9.1 Repair Garages (page 9-7, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings used as repair garages in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.9.2 Bulk Storage of Tires (page 9-7, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Buildings and structures utilized for the storage of tires shall be equipped throughout with an automatic fire sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.3.1.1 in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.10 Group S-2 Enclosed Parking Garages (page 9-7, delete entire subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings used as enclosed parking garages in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.10.1 Commercial Parking Garages (page 9-7, add to subsection and delete fourth line)
Add: Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Delete: Entire fourth line ... "where the fire area exceeds 5,000 square feet (464 square meters)."
Subsection 903.2.11 Specific Building Areas and Hazards (page 9-7, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: In all occupancies an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed for specific building design or hazards in all locations in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.2.13 Group B (page 9-7, add new subsection)
Add: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided for all group B occupancies in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.3.1 Automatic Sprinkler Systems - Installation requirements - Standards (page 9-8, add to subsection)
Add: Performance based computer code analysis not allowed for system design. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.3.1.1 NFPA 13 sprinkler systems (page 9-8 add to subsection)
Add: Thin wall piping is not allowed. Only schedule 10 or 40 black iron or galvanized piping shall be installed.
Subsection 903. Balconies and decks (page 9-8, delete conditions 1. and 2., add to subsection)
Delete: conditions 1. and 2.
Add: Sprinkler protection shall be provided for all balconies and decks in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.3.8 Limited area sprinkler systems (page 9-8, add to subsection)
Add: Limited area sprinkler systems shall only be allowed when approved by the fire code official. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.4 Sprinkler System Supervision and Alarms (page 9-12, delete exceptions 2 and 3)
Delete: Entire exception nos. 2 and 3.
Subsection 903.4.1 Monitoring (page 9-12, delete first paragraph of subsection and insert new paragraph)
Delete: First paragraph of subsection, exceptions to remain.
Insert: Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals shall be distinctly different and automatically transmitted to central stations or remote supervisory stations by a one way private radio alarm system complying with chapter 26 of the 2010 edition of NFPA 72 which manually or automatically retransmit trouble, supervisory and full fire alarm signals to DuPage Public Safety Communications (Du-Comm).
Subsection 903.4.2 Alarms (page 9-12, add to the end of the paragraph)
Add: Provide an outside UL listed weather tight visual device over the fire department sprinkler bell and connection. This device shall be equipped with a blue lens. The strobe shall activate and stop with water flow.
Subsection 903.4.2.1 Alarm Indicating Appliances (page 9-12, add section to read as follows)
Add: Audio visual devices shall be provided so that they are heard in all areas of every building. All sprinkled buildings shall be provided with audio visual devices. Existing buildings shall be required to bring any deficient areas up to code upon any building additions or alterations excluding cosmetic only alterations subject to fire code official approval.
Subsection 903.4.2.2 Alarms Indicating Appliances (page 9-12, add section to read as follows)
Add: Fire sprinkler system inspector's test valves shall be located most remote from the riser and shall be accessible at all times and located no more than 6 feet above the finished floor and remotely located. On multiple riser systems the test valves shall be marked as to which riser and area it tests.
Subsection 903.4.2.3 Valve Monitoring (page 9-12, added to read as follows)
Add: Installation in multiple story buildings; floor control valves with water flow switches shall be provided for each floor.
Subsection 903.4.4 Automatic Sprinklers (page 9-12, added to read as follows)
Add: Where automatic sprinklers provide protection to an area with an approved flow switch interconnected to the fire alarm system protected by the zoned sprinkler system, the fire district having jurisdiction may require additional smoke detectors for a more rapid means to identify the location of smoke or fire.
Subsection 903.7 Speculative Buildings (page 9-12, Automatic Sprinkler Systems, insert new subsection)
Insert: 903.7 Speculative Buildings. Automatic sprinklers in speculative buildings shall be hydraulically designed for the storage of class IV commodities, as defined by NFPA 231, to the maximum available storage height in the building. The maximum available storage height in a building is the clear height dimension between the finished floor and the median point between the bottom of the high and low points of the structural members supporting the roof assembly. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 13.
Subsection 903.8 Hydraulic Calculations (page 9-12, add new subsection)
Add: A minimum of 10% or 5 psi (whichever is greater) minimum safety factor shall be provided in the fire protection system hydraulic calculations. The system demand shall be 5 psi minimum below the seasonal low water flow test supply.
Each hydraulically calculated area, on each drawing, shall be provided with a copy of the hydraulic nameplate.
Subsection 903.9 Fire Pump Test Ports (Page 9-12, add new subsection)
Add: An OS&Y control valve shall be located on all fire pump test headers. All fire pumps installations shall provide an outside test header.
Subsection 903.10 Fire Pump & Sprinkler Control Rooms (page 9-12, add new subsection)
Add: Provide an outside access door to the sprinkler riser valve room and fire pump room. This room shall also be equipped with an interior access door that swings in the direction of egress. Egress door(s) shall be equipped with panic hardware.
Subsection 903.11 Fire Pump Room Rating (page 9-12, add section to read as follows)
Add: All fire pump rooms shall be a minimum 2-hour U.L. rated enclosure. All fire pump rooms shall be provided with an approved doorway from the outside and a door from the room to the interior of the structure.
Subsection 903.11.1 Fire Sprinkler Room Identification (Page 9-12, add new subsection)
Add: Fire sprinkler rooms located in new or existing multi-tenant buildings shall be labeled in minimum six (6) inch (153mm) numbers stating "Fire Sprinkler Control Room" and shall state the address range the system protects.
Subsection 904.3.5 Monitoring (page 9-12, add to end of subsection)
Add: Kitchen hood suppression systems shall be monitored by the building fire alarm system and indicated as a separate zone.
Subsection 906.1 Portable Fire Extinguishers - Where required (pages 9-18 and 9-19, delete exceptions)
Delete: All exceptions.
Subsection 907.1.3 Equipment (Page 9-21, add to end of subsection)
Add: All fire alarm systems shall be of the addressable type and shall be installed per NFPA 72 unless otherwise approved by the fire code official having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.1.3.1 Equipment - Fire Alarm Panel Requirements (Page 9-21, insert new subsection)
Insert: All fire alarm panels shall provide a minimum of 60 hours of battery backup service in the case of A/C power failure. All fire alarm one-way radio systems shall be equipped with 60 hours of battery backup. Code access type fire alarm panels are not permitted.
Subsection 907.1.3.2 Equipment - Inoperable (page 9-21, insert new subsection)
Insert: Any time a fire alarm panel or connected equipment thereof becomes inoperable due to age or other reasons and is required to be replaced, the fire code official having jurisdiction may require the fire alarm system for the entire building to be brought up to current code requirements. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2 Where required - new buildings and structures (Page 9-21, add to end of second paragraph)
Add: All fire alarm control panels shall be installed near the fire department sprinkler risers with a fully functioning remote annunciator panel located within 10 feet of the main entrance at a location approved by the fire code official having jurisdiction. The remote annunciator panel shall be capable of alarm silence and reset. Code access type fire alarm panels are not permitted.
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not required in Use Group M where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system and the alarm notification appliances will activate upon sprinkler water flow.
Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals shall be distinctly different and automatically transmitted to Central Stations or Remote Supervisory Stations by a one-way private radio alarm system complying with Chapter 26 of the 2010 Edition of NFPA 72, which manually or automatically retransmit trouble, supervisory, and full fire alarm signals to DuPage Public Safety Communications (Du-Comm). Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
1. Underground gate valves with roadway boxes.
Subsection 907.2.1 Group A (page 9-21, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group A occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.2 Group B (page 9-22, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group B occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.3 Group E (page 9-22, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group E occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.4 Group F (page 9-22, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group F occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.5 Group H (page 9-22, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group H occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.6 Group I (page 9-23, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group I occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.7 Group M (page 9-24, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group M occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.8 Group R-1 (page 9-24, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group R-1 occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.9 Group R-2 (pages 9-24 and 9-25, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group R-2 occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.10 Group S (page 9-25, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm system in group R-2 occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.11 Group R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and I-1 (pages 9-25 and 9-26, delete subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: A fire alarm and detection system in group R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and I-1 occupancies shall be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 as regulated by the fire protection district having jurisdiction. Fire alarm and detection systems shall be installed in compliance with the latest edition of NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.2.13.4 Emergency voice/alarm communication system (page 9-27, insert new subsection)
Add: An emergency voice/alarm communication system shall be required in all buildings five stories or more than 55 feet in height and shall be audible throughout the entire building in accordance section 907.5.2.2.
Subsection 907. Multi-Zone, (page 9-32, insert new subsection)
Insert: Multi-tenant buildings will be "ring by tenant" and shall include weather tight clear outside strobe lights over the entrance to each tenant space as directed by the Fire Code Official. All outside strobes shall provide a minimum of 75 candelas.
Subsection 907.6.3 Zones - Disconnects (page 9-32, insert new subsection)
Insert: Subsection 907.6.4.3 Zone Disconnects. All fire alarm systems shall be capable of zoned disconnects at the control panel. Disconnection of a zone shall cause the fire alarm system to transmit a trouble signal.
Subsection 907.6.6 Monitoring (page 9-32, delete part of subsection and insert)
Delete: First paragraph of subsection, exceptions to remain.
Insert: All required fire alarm systems other than fire suppression systems shall be connected to an approved remote station system in accordance with NFPA 72.
Subsection 907.11 Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Rooms (page 9-33, insert new subsection)
Insert: Multi-tenant fire alarm and sprinkler system room doors shall be labeled in minimum six (6) inch (153mm) numbers stating "Fire Sprinkler / Fire Control Room" and shall state the address range the system protects.
Subsection 907.12 Private Wireless Radio Alarm Systems (page 9-33, insert new subsection)
Insert: Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals shall be distinctly different and automatically transmitted to Central Stations or Remote Supervisory Stations by a one- way private radio alarm system complying with Chapter 26 of the 2010 Edition of NFPA 72, which manually or automatically retransmit trouble, supervisory, and full fire alarm signals to DuPage Public Safety Communications (Du-Comm).
Subsection 910.2 Smoke and Heat Removal - Where required (page 9-42, add to end of subsection paragraph, delete exceptions)
Add: Buildings or portions thereof shall be provided with a mechanical smoke exhaust system in all occupancies of groups A, B, E, F, H, I, M and S having more than 30,000 square feet (2787 square meters) in floor area. All key switches shall be "Knox Box" style keyed to the fire protection district having jurisdiction.
Delete: All exceptions.
Subsection 910.2.1 Groups F-1 or S-1 (page 9-42, delete entire subsection and insert)
Delete: Entire subsection.
Insert: Groups F or S. Buildings and portions thereof used as a group F or S occupancy having less than 30,000 square feet (2787 square meters) in floor area.
Subsection [BE]1006.2.1 Egress based on occupant load and Common Path of Egress Travel Distance (page 10-6, add to subsection)
Add: 3. The length of common path of egress travel in occupancies in group B, F and S shall not be more than 100 feet (30,480 mm) for common truck docks which are provided and separated from other occupancies by 1-hour fire-resistance rated assemblies, and that are entirely protected throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.3.1.1.
Add: 4. Where shared truck dock facilities are provided in Group B, S and F occupancies in multiple tenant buildings, two exits or exit access doorways from the space shall be provided.
Subsection [BE] 1009.1 Accessible Means of Egress Required (page 10-11, add to end of subsection)
Add: Accessible means of egress shall comply with the current version of the Illinois accessibility code.
Subsection [BE] 1010.1.2.1 Direction of Swing (page 10-14, change occupant load in line 4)
Change: "occupant load of 50 or more" to "occupant load of more than 10 for exterior doors only. All exterior doors, doors accessing an exit enclosure, and all doors serving group H occupancy shall swing in the direction of egress travel and be provided with an approved automatic door closer."
Subsection [BE] 1010.2.4 Locks and Latches (page 10-16, delete numbers 3, 3.1 and 3.2)
Delete: Numbers 3, 3.1 and 3.2.
Subsection [BE] 1015.4 Guards - Opening Limitations (page 10-31, add to end of subsection)
Add: Required guards shall not be constructed with horizontal rails or other ornamental pattern that results in a ladder effect.
Subsection [BE] 1006.2.1 Egress based on occupant load and common path of egress travel distance (page 10-6, add to end of subsection)
Add: The length of common path of egress travel in occupancies in group B, F and S shall not be more than 100 feet (30 480 mm) for common truck docks which are provided and separated from other occupancies by 1-hour fire-resistance rated assemblies, and that are entirely protected throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.3.1.1. Where shared truck dock facilities are provided in group B, F and S in multiple tenant buildings, two exits or exit access doorways from the space shall be provided.
Table [BE] 1020.2 Corridor Fire-Resistance Rating (page 10-35, change hour ratings in table)
Change: All occupancies without sprinkler systems are "not permitted" in the third column in coordination with section 903.2, which as amended by this ordinance requires all buildings to be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 where allowed.
Change: All occupancies with sprinkler systems are to have 1-hour corridor fire-resistance rating in the fourth column, with no reductions in fire-resistance allowed. Exit corridors serving fire-resistance rated stairwells shall have the same fire-resistance rating as the stairwell.
Subsection [BE] 1023.12 Smoke-Proof Enclosures (page 10-38, add "and pressurized" after "smoke proof" in line 4)
Add: "and pressurized" after "smoke proof" in line 4.
Subsection 1101.2 Intent (page 11-1, add to subsection)
Add: Compliance with the current edition of the Illinois accessibility code is required.
Subsection 1104.2 Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks (page 11-8, add to end of paragraph)
Add: Elevator and conveying systems shall be in conformance with state of Illinois section 140 of the elevator safety and regulation act (225 ILCS 312/140), and the administrative rules (41 Ill. adm. code 1000). Elevator and conveying systems shall comply with following or most current standards and guidelines:
1. Safety code for elevators and escalators (ASME A17.1-2010/CSA B44-10) and performance-based safety code for elevators and escalators (ASME A17.7-2007/CSA B44.7-07).
2. Guide for inspection of elevators, escalators, and moving walks (ASME A17.2-2010).
3. Safety code for existing elevators and escalators (ASME A17.3-2005) upgrades required by section 35(h) of the elevator safety act shall be completed in the time frame specified therein.
4. Safety standard for platform lifts and stairway chairlifts (ASME A18.1-2008).
5. Standard for the qualification of elevator inspectors (ASME QEI-1-2010).
6. Automated people mover standard (ASCE 21-05), part 1, 2005/2006.
7. Automated people mover standards (ANSI/ASCE/T&DI 21.2-08), parts 2, 3 and 4, 2008.
Subsection 5003.4.1 Safety Data Sheets (page 50-13, Material Safety Data Sheets, new subsection)
Add: Where required the owner shall submit to the village building commissioner a material safety data sheet for each hazardous material or substance on the premises. The material safety data sheet shall include the following information:
a. Manufacturer's name, address and emergency telephone number.
b. Chemical name and synonyms; trade names and hazardous ingredients.
c. Physical data; reactivity data.
d. Fire and explosion data.
e. Health hazard data.
f. Special protection information and special precautions.
g. Spill or leak cleanup procedures.
Subsection 5003.4.2 Safety Data Sheets (page 50-13, Material Safety Data Sheets, new subsection)
Add: Occupancies identified by the fire protection district shall install one or more hazardous materials information safes approved by the fire protection district. This safe shall contain all information as required in section 5003.4.1. The safe shall be mounted in a location approved by the fire prevention district.
Subsection 5003.5 (page 50-13, Hazard Identification Signs, Location, first sentence)
Delete: "in quantities requiring a permit and".
Subsection 5003.5.1 (page 50-13, Hazard Identification Signs, Markings, addition)
Add: Rooms, cabinets and outside storage areas shall be labeled in accordance with NFPA 704 listed in chapter 80.
Appendix C Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution (pages APPENDIX C-1 and C-2, add sections as mandatory regulations)
Add: Sections C101, C102, C103, C104 and C105 as mandatory regulations.
Appendix D Fire Apparatus Access Roads (pages APPENDIX D-1, D-2, and D-3, add sections as mandatory regulations)
Add: Sections D101, D102, D103, D104, D105, D106, D107 and D108 as mandatory regulations. (Ord. 2016-13, 3-14-2016; amd. Ord. 2020-04, 2-10-2020; Ord. 2023-02, 2-13-2023)