A. The Village Finance Director-Treasurer shall establish a proper system of accounts and shall keep proper books, records, and accounts in which complete and correct entries shall be made of all transactions relative to the combined waterworks and sewerage system, and at regular annual intervals, he shall cause to be made an audit by an independent auditing concern of the books to show the receipts and disbursements of the sewerage system. The adequacy of the water and wastewater charges shall be reviewed not less often than annually. The water and wastewater charges shall be revised periodically as necessary to reflect changes in local capital costs or operation, maintenance and replacement costs. In this regard, the financial information to be shown in the annual audit report shall include the following: (Ord. 2011-19, 5-23-2011; amd. 2012 Code)
1. Flow data showing total gallons received at the water reclamation facility for the current fiscal year.
2. Water pumpage from all sources delivered to consumers for the current fiscal year.
3. Billing data to show total number of gallons billed per fiscal year.
4. Debt service for the next succeeding fiscal year.
5. Number of users connected to the system.
6. Number of nonmetered users.
7. A list of users discharging nondomestic and industrial wastes and volume of waste discharged.
B. The users of the wastewater treatment service will be notified annually, in conjunction with a regular bill, of the rate and that portion of the user charges which are attributable to the wastewater operation, maintenance and replacement. (Ord. 2011-19, 5-23-2011)