Effective for connection fees on or after September 1, 2015, the following shall apply in the determination of an applicable connection fee:
A. Single-family dwelling unit:
1. Water and sewer: Eleven thousand seven hundred forty dollars ($11,740.00) per unit.
2. Water only: One thousand one hundred forty dollars ($1,140.00) per unit.
3. Sewer only: Ten thousand six hundred dollars ($10,600.00) per unit.
B. Multiple-family dwelling unit:
1. Water and sewer: Eight thousand eight hundred five dollars ($8,805.00) per unit.
2. Water only: Eight hundred fifty five dollars ($855.00) per unit.
3. Sewer only: Seven thousand nine hundred fifty dollars ($7,950.00) per unit. (Ord. 2015-39, 8-10-2015)
C. Business, commercial, governmental, institutional, religious, not for profit, or industrial connection: Connection fees for these types of structures and uses, as determined by classification under the Village Zoning Code, shall be calculated by the Village Engineer or designee according to standard engineering practices relative to the determination of population equivalents (PE), using comparable water consumption data, number of employees, land area, and/or the water and sewer demand characteristics of such uses being thereby served. The water connection fee shall be two hundred eighty five dollars ($285.00) per PE. The sewer connection fee shall be two thousand six hundred fifty dollars ($2,650.00) per PE.
D. Expansion of business, commercial, governmental, institutional, religious, not for profit, or industrial uses: Connection fees for these types of structures and uses, as determined by classification under the Village Zoning Code, that are issued a building permit for expansion shall pay an additional connection fee for the use of the Village waterworks or sewerage system. The connection fee for such an expansion shall be calculated by the Village Engineer in the same manner as described in subsection C of this section. (Ord. 2015-39, 8-10-2015; amd. Ord. 2017-42, 11-13-2017)