A.   The Chief of Police and all sworn members of the Police Department of the Village shall preserve the peace, order, and safety, and to this end they shall execute and enforce all criminal codes, traffic codes, and all ordinances and police regulations; they shall take notice of all nuisances, and at all times render all necessary assistance to Village departments in the abatement thereof; and they shall take notice of the impediments, obstructions, and defects in the walks, streets, avenues, alleys, and public places of the Village, and shall remove the same or cause immediate notice to be given to the proper person whose duty it may be to attend to the same, according to the ordinances of the Village.
   B.   It shall be the duty of the sworn members of the Police Department to aid the Fire Protection District in maintaining order on the streets and grounds in the immediate vicinity of a fire or other emergency, so that members of the fire protection district shall not be hindered or obstructed in the performance of their duties.
   C.   The sworn members of the police department of the village shall have power and authority, and it shall be their duty, in the village and outside the same, when necessary and lawful, to serve and execute warrants and other processes for the apprehension and commitment of persons charged for the violation of any village ordinances, or any crime, misdemeanor, or offense against the laws of the village, state, or federal government, or to be held for examination or trial, or to be taken in execution for the commission of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of any law or ordinance of the village; and they shall have the power and authority, and it shall be their duty, to serve and execute any civil processes issued on behalf of the village by any court of proper jurisdiction; and while serving or executing, or assisting in the service or execution, of any such warrant or process, and carrying out the duties of a police officer, they shall be vested with and have all the powers and authority conferred upon constables at common law and by the laws of the state.
   D.   Sworn members of the police department shall have the power, and it shall be their duty, to arrest, on view, all persons in the village found in the act of violating any law or ordinance, or aiding or abetting in such violations, and to bring such persons so arrested before a court of proper jurisdiction, to be dealt with according to law.
   E.   Sworn members of the police department shall have the legal authority to carry and use firearms and other weapons consistent with Illinois statute as directed by the chief of police. Designated nonsworn members of the police department shall have the legal authority to carry and use certain weaponry (nonfirearms) as authorized by the chief of police and in conformance with state law. (Ord. 2006-18, 4-24-2006)