It shall be unlawful for any person to commit a nuisance or to allow a nuisance to exist/be maintained on any property under the person's control. The following are hereby declared nuisances: (Ord. 72-27, 7-12-1972; amd. 2012 Code)
   A.   Dangerous Premises: To permit any building, structure, or place to remain in such a condition as to be dangerous to the public health or safety in any manner.
   B.   Offensive Businesses: To maintain or operate any rendery, tallow chandlery, soap factory, glue factory, tannery, packing plant, or slaughterhouse anywhere in the Village or within one mile of the limits thereof.
   C.   Manufacturing Explosives: To carry on the business of manufacturing gunpowder, nitroglycerin, or other highly explosive substances, or mixing or grinding the materials therefor, in any building within three hundred fifty feet (350') of any structure or building erected at the time such business may be commenced.
   D.   Powder Magazines Near Dwellings: To establish powder magazines within one thousand feet (1,000') of any occupied dwelling house.
   E.   Offensive Deposits Generally: To cause or suffer the carcass of any animal or any offal, filth, or noisome substance to be collected, deposited, or to remain in any place, to the prejudice of others.
   F.   Offensive Deposits In Water Bodies And Public Ways: To throw or deposit any offal or other offensive matter, or the carcass of any dead animal, in any watercourse, lake, pond, spring, well or common sewer, street or public highway.
   G.   Deposit Of Garbage And Refuse Without Consent Of Property Owner: To dump, deposit, or place any garbage, rubbish, trash, or refuse on real property owned by another without the consent of the owner or person in possession of same real property.
   H.   Stagnant Water: To obstruct, or to allow the obstruction, of any ditch, culvert, or gutter so as to cause water to stagnate therein to the detriment of the public health; further, for any person to cause or allow any stagnant pool of water on any property under his control.
   I.   Obstructing, Polluting Water: To obstruct or corrupt or render unwholesome or impure the water of any spring, river, stream, pond, or lake, to the injury or prejudice of others.
   J.   Obstructing Navigable Waterways: To obstruct or impede, without legal authority, the passage of any navigable river or waters. (Ord. 72-27, 7-12-1972)
   K.   Obstructing, Encroaching Upon Public Ways And Places: To obstruct or encroach upon public highways, private ways, streets, alleys, commons, landing places, and ways to burying places, except as may be specifically authorized by ordinance or by the Village Engineer. (Ord. 72-27, 7-12-1972; amd. 2012 Code; Ord. 2017-42, 11-13-2017)
   L.   Offensive Odors: To erect, continue, or use any building, structure, or real estate for the exercise of any trade, employment, or manufacture, which, by occasioning noxious exhalations, offensive smells, or otherwise, is offensive or dangerous to the health of individuals or the public.
   M.   Posting Advertisements Without Permission: To advertise wares or occupations by painting notices of the same on, or affixing them to, fences or other private property, or on lots or other natural objects, without the consent of the owner, or if in the highway or other public place, without permission of the proper authorities; provided, that nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent the President and Board of Trustees from declaring what shall be nuisances and abating them within the limits of the Village. (Ord. 72-27, 7-12-1972)