A.   All fines and other payments must be made within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the final determination.
   B.   If the administrative hearing officer issues an order of compliance, the administrative hearing officer may order the respondent to post either a cash bond or other security bond to ensure respondent's timely compliance. Any noncash security bond shall name the village as beneficiary and shall be in the amount specified by the administrative hearing officer. Any bond issued as a result of an administrative hearing officer's order is subject to review and approval for sufficiency of the bond by the village administrator. If the respondent fails to timely remedy the code violation(s) for which a bond has been issued and the village undertakes remediation or otherwise expends funds related to the code violation(s), the administrative hearing officer, after giving the parties notice and opportunity to be heard, may issue an order permitting the village to draw against the bond in an appropriate amount. The administrative hearing officer shall order the bond amount, less the reasonable costs incurred by the village, to be returned to the respondent upon proof of compliance. Upon failure to achieve compliance, the administrative hearing officer shall, upon written petition of the village, increase the assessed fine by ten percent (10%) (initial fine amount, not compounding) for each day beyond the original compliance date that compliance has not been achieved.
   C.   Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the administrative hearings supervisor from issuing citations which are payable to the village without a hearing.
   D.   Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the administrative hearing officer, at his or her own discretion, from adjusting the fine for any person found to have been in violation of any of the terms and provisions of this Code to any amount as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (Ord. 2020-23, 9-28-2020)