A. Denial: If, after due consideration of the information contained within the application and after due consideration of the related investigative reports, the applicant's character, business responsibility, or other matters concerning the application are found to be unsatisfactory, the Village Administrator shall disapprove such application, indicating the reasons therefor in writing. Thereupon, the Village Clerk shall be directed to promptly notify the applicant that his application is disapproved, giving the reasons therefor, and that no license or permit shall be issued.
B. Approval: If, after due consideration of the information contained within the application and after due consideration of the related investigative reports, the applicant's character, business responsibility, and other matters concerning the application are found to be satisfactory, the license or permit shall be approved by the Village Administrator, and the Village Clerk shall be directed to promptly notify the applicant that such application is approved. Thereupon, the license or permit may be issued by the Village Clerk upon payment of the appropriate fee. No business license or permit, whether new or renewal, shall be issued, nor shall such license or permit be valid, without express approval of the Village Administrator. (Ord. 80-52, 8-11-1980)