Upon receipt of any application for a license or permit, within forty eight (48) hours thereafter, the Village Clerk shall refer such application to the Building Commissioner and other appropriate officials of the Village, and shall notify the Fire Chief of the Bloomingdale Fire Protection District, the Chief of Police, and the DuPage County Health Department, where inspection or investigation by their respective offices is required by statute or ordinance, or is warranted by the circumstances. The officer charged with the duty of making the investigation or inspection shall file a report thereon within ten (10) days after receipt of such application. The Village Clerk shall be charged with the duty to assure the timely filing of such reports. Upon receipt of all related investigative reports, the Village Clerk shall forward such reports, together with the application, to the Village Administrator for approval. (Ord. 80-52, 8-11-1980; amd. Ord. 2017-42, 11-13-2017)