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Sec. 2-303. Creation, purpose, membership, appointment, organization.
   (a)   The planning and zoning commission is hereby created in order to accomplish the following purposes:
      (1)   To identify community needs and to advise the city council of its short-range and long-range implications for the total development of the city;
      (2)   To recommend achievable community goals as a basis for long-range planning and development programs;
      (3)   To recommend plans, programs and policies that will aid the entire community in achieving its defined goals; and
      (4)   To interpret the adopted plans and programs to concerned citizens so that private activities and desires may be accomplished in harmony with public needs and policies.
   (b)   The mayor and city council will consider for appointment to the commission only those persons who have demonstrated their civic interest, general knowledge of the community, independent judgment, interest in planning and zoning, and availability to prepare for and attend meetings. It is the intent of the mayor and city council that members shall, by reason of diversity of their individual occupations, constitute a commission which is broadly representative of the community.
   (c)   The third absence, without prior notification, during any 12-month period is construed as the member's resignation.
   (d)   The commission shall hold an organizational meeting on the first Tuesday of October of each year and shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson from among its members before proceeding to any other matters of business. The commission shall elect officers as it deems necessary from its membership. The commission shall meet regularly and shall designate the time and place of its meetings.
   (e)   Section 2-241 shall apply to this board, except that the members of the boards as of June 1, 2021 shall retain their current terms according to their appointments under the prior language of 42-21, regardless of section 2-241 eligibility requirements relating to city council district, unless removed earlier by city council. Subsequent appointments to the boards shall be pursuant to section 2-241.
(Ord. No. 046-2021, § 1, 9-28-2021)