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Sec. 2-241. Appointments to and removals from boards and committees created by acts of city council.
   (a)   The word "board," "boards," "committee," "committees," "commission" or "commissions," as used in this division, shall be construed to mean any managerial, administrative or quasi-judicial body of persons which has an advisory or deliberative character and whose members are appointed by or serve at the pleasure of the city council.
   (b)   This division applies to the boards, committees, and commissions ("boards") for which city council adopts it. This section applies to no other board.
   (c)   The provisions of this division shall govern and control the rules, procedures, and operation of all boards; provided, however, where prevailing law or another city ordinance conflicts or is inconsistent with any provision of this division, this division shall not be applicable.
   (d)   Each board created by an act of city council shall have seven members.
   (e)   Each councilmember may nominate one member of the board subject to the confirmation by majority vote of the council.
   (f)   Each board member shall represent the interests of the City of Big Spring first.
   (g)   Eligibility requirements. To be eligible to serve on a board, a person shall:
      1.   Be 18 years or older; and
      2.   Be a registered voter in Howard County, Texas; and
      3.   Unless appointed prior to June 1, 2021, represent a specific city council district or the city by:
         i.   Being a registered voter in the district represented by the council member making the nomination, or in the City of Big Spring for a board member nominated by the mayor; or
         ii.   Owning 50 percent or more of one or more parcels of taxable real property in the district represented by the councilmember making the nomination, or in the City of Big Spring for a board member nominated by the mayor (mineral rights do not meet this requirement); or
         iii.   Being a holder of water service from the City of Big Spring with a service address in the district represented by the councilmember making the nomination, or in the City of Big Spring for a board member nominated by the mayor, or owning a business which is a water customer when the person owns 50 percent or more of the business.
      4.   A current city councilmember may not serve on a board to which this section applies, unless appointed prior to June 1, 2021.
      5.   A person may not serve on more than one board at the same time.
      6.   No person may serve on a board if they are related to a city councilmember of the city council of the City of Big Spring within the third degree of consanguinity or within the second degree of affinity, as defined by V.T.C.A., Government Code, ch. 573, unless appointed prior to June 1, 2021.
   (h)   A board member who ceases to meet the eligibility requirements is considered to have automatically vacated the office.
   (i)   A vacancy that arises shall be filled by nomination by the city councilmember representing the district that the board seat represents, or by the mayor in the case of the mayor's board seat, subject to confirmation by a majority of city council.
   (j)   Each board member serves a term ending on September 30, three years after the councilmember's Charter-specified general election date for the councilmember's current term.
   (k)   An appointment to a vacancy on a board fills the unexpired term of the board member, if any.
   (l)   A board member whose seat is not filled by official action of city council 60 days after the end of the term of the board member shall be deemed to be reappointed.
   (m)   When a vacancy or an opportunity to make an appointment to a full term arises on a board that has any additional requirement for eligibility of members, such as a board that requires certain professions to be represented, any nomination to the board shall first fulfill any said additional requirement.
   (n)   A voting board member may be removed at any time and for any reason by city council.
   (o)   The mayor and/or the mayor's designate shall serve ex-officio on each board.
   (p)   The city manager and/or the city manager's designate shall serve ex-officio on each board.
(Ord. No. 024-2021, § 1, 6-8-2021; Ord. No. 032-2021, § 1, 7-13-2021)