General Provisions
131.01 Definitions
131.02 Sunday sales
131.03 Sales; regulations
131.04 Consumption on street or parking lot
131.05 Possessing open alcoholic beverage
131.06 Persons, employees; responsibility
131.07 Sale to minors prohibited
131.08 Purchase, consumption, and possession by minors prohibited
131.09 Furnishing or using fraudulent identification
131.10 Authority to stop; appearance tickets
131.11 Notice to parents or guardians
131.12 License sanctions
131.13 Preliminary breath test
131.14 Penalties
131.20 Title
131.21 Purpose
131.22 Application for new license or license transfer
131.23 Objections to renewal; requests for revocation
131.99 Penalty
Repeated illegal activity involving alcohol, see §§ 90.80 through 90.90