§ 130.98 VIOLATIONS.
   (A)   Attempt to commit prohibited act. Any person who attempts to commit any act prohibited in this chapter shall be subject to prosecution for said act as if it were completed upon proof of the requisite intent and some substantial overt acts in furtherance of that intent. The maximum penalty for a conviction of an attempt shall be one-half of the maximum of that set for the completed act, except restitution to a victim shall be fully assessed.
('88 Code, Title IX, Ch. 111, § 9.116)
   (B)   Aiders and abettors. Any person who aids, abets, procures, commands, assists, or conspires in the commission of any act prohibited in this chapter shall be subject to prosecution, conviction, and punishment as a principal.
('88 Code, Title IX, Ch. 111, § 9.117) (Ord. 226-12-86, passed 1-29-86)