38.01 Title
38.02 Purpose
38.03 Application
38.04 Public interest
38.05 Definitions
38.06 Direction to public servants
38.07 Fair and equal treatment
38.08 Use of public property
38.09 Matters requiring disclosure of conflicts of interest, actual and potential
38.10 Prohibited conduct
38.11 Public disclosure, contents
38.12 Duties of the City Clerk
38.13 Request for opinion from the City Attorney
38.14 Delivery of copies of ethics policy ordinance to public servants
38.15 Investigation and prosecution of violations
38.16 Violation of chapter
The citizens and businesses of Big Rapids are entitled to have a fair, ethical and accountable local government. It is the purpose of this chapter to deliver on that mission and earn the full confidence of the public by requiring all persons in the municipal service to perform their work in compliance with high ethical standards and the utmost integrity, always putting the City's interests above their own personal interests.
(Ord. 680-10-14, passed 10-6-14; Am. Ord. 799-05-23, passed 5-15- 23)
Whenever in this chapter the following terms are used, they shall have the meanings described to them in this section.
BUSINESS ENTITY. A business entity includes a corporation, limited liability company, a partnership, sole proprietorship, joint venture, unincorporated association, trust, or other business form.
CITY. The City of Big Rapids, a Michigan municipal corporation.
INTEREST. Any right, title or share in something, that is personal, financial, legal or equitable, and which is owned, held or controlled, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by a public servant.
PUBLIC BODY. The City Commission and any board, authority, commission, committee, department, office or other agency of the City, including the City.
PUBLIC SERVANT. The Mayor, Member of the City Commission, Officer, full or part-time City employee and any person elected or appointed to any public body of the City, whether compensated or not.
(Ord. 680-10-14, passed 10-6-14)
(A) Public servants shall conduct themselves in a manner that promotes integrity, honesty, impartiality and fairness in carrying out their public duties and avoid any improprieties, or appearances of improprieties in their roles as officers and employees. They shall refrain from making personal attacks upon the character or motives of others and avoid any action which might result in or create the appearance of:
(1) Using public office or employment for private gain.
(2) Giving improper preferential treatment to any person or organization.
(3) Impeding government efficiency or economy.
(4) A lack of independence or impartiality of action.
(5) Making a government decision outside of official channels.
(6) Affecting adversely the confidence of the public in the integrity of the City.
(B) It is not the intent of this chapter to limit the right or ability of any public servant to exercise his or her discretion in making legitimate policy decisions which are within their discretion so long as such action does not provide a special benefit to that person, relieve the public servant of a particular duty, or treat that person differently than other similarly situated City residents.
(Ord. 680-10-14, passed 10-6-14; Am. Ord. 799-05-23, passed 5-15- 23)
No public servant shall request, use or permit the use of any consideration, treatment, advantage or favor beyond that which is the general practice to grant or make available to the public at large. All public servants shall treat all citizens of the City with courtesy, impartiality, fairness and equality under the law.
(Ord. 680-10-14, passed 10-6-14)
No public servant shall request, use or permit the use of any publicly owned or publicly supported property, vehicle, equipment, material, labor or service, or money, for the personal convenience or the private advantage of himself, herself or of any other person. This requirement shall not prevent any public servant from requesting, using or permitting the use of such publicly owned or publicly supplied property, vehicle, equipment, material, labor or service which is made available by general practice, to the public at large, or which is provided as a matter of public policy for the use of public servants in the conduct of official business, as approved consideration for their services to the City.
(Ord. 680-10-14, passed 10-6-14)