Subd. 1. In General. Every license is subject to the conditions in the following subdivisions and all other provisions of this section and of any other applicable Code provision, ordinance, state law, or regulation.
Subd. 2. Licensee’s Responsibility. Every licensee is responsible for the conduct of his or her place of business and the conditions of sobriety and order in it. The act of any employee on the licensed premises authorized to sell intoxicating liquor there shall be deemed the act of the licensee as well, and the licensee shall be liable to all penalties provided by this section and the law equally with the employee.
Subd. 3. Inspections. Every licensee shall allow any peace officer, health officer, or properly designated officer or employee of the city to enter, inspect, and search the premises of the licensee during business hours without a warrant.
Subd. 4. Display During Prohibited Hours. No “on-sale” establishment shall display liquor to the public during hours when the sale of liquor is prohibited.
Subd. 5. Federal Stamps. No licensee shall possess a federal wholesale liquor dealer’s special tax stamp or a federal gambling stamp.
Subd. 6. Sales to Minors or Intoxicated Persons. No intoxicating liquor shall be sold or served to any intoxicated person or to any person under 21 years of age.
Subd. 7. Consumption by Minors. No person under 21 years of age shall be permitted to consume intoxicating liquor on the licensed premises.
Subd. 8. Employment of Minors. No minor shall be employed on the premises of an intoxicating liquor store except as authorized by state law.
Subd. 9. Gambling. No gambling or any gambling device shall be permitted on any licensed premises, except as permitted by state law.
The Council may either suspend for not to exceed 60 days or revoke any liquor license upon a finding that the licensee has failed to comply with any applicable statute, regulation, or ordinance relating to intoxicating liquor. No suspension or revocation shall take effect until the licensee has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to M.S. §§ 14.57 to 14.69, as they may be amended from time to time.
The following regulations shall apply to all outdoor areas in on-sale liquor, wine, and 3.2% malt liquor establishments.
1. Every outdoor area must be approved as part of the original licensed premises or by the granting of an application for expansion fo the licensed premises. Licensees must either hold an outdoor dining administrative permit under subsection 1006.07, Subd. 1.15 or a temporary outdoor on-sale events permit under subsection 1002.10, Subd. 3.8 to use any portion of outdoor areas for alcohol sales or consumption.
2. Regardless of the class of license issued to an outdoor area, the issuing authority may further restrict the days, hours, nature, volume, and other aspects of the use of the outdoor area or portions of outdoor areas.
3. The issuing authority may require that access to and egress from an outdoor area only be through the door connecting it to the remainder of the premises.
4. The issuing authority may review the operation of any outdoor area in connection with the violation of the terms and conditions of this chapter shall be grounds for revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew the on-sale license for that portion of the licensed premises pertaining to the outside area.
(Ord. 2023-08, passed 6-14-2023)