The following standards shall govern the interpretation and administration of this section:
   (a)   Relationship of PUD Site to Adjacent Areas. The design of a Planned Unit Development shall take into account the relationship of the site to the surrounding areas, particularly the impact on the quality of life and character of immediately adjacent and surrounding neighborhoods and the City. The perimeter of the PUD shall be so designed as to minimize undesirable impact of the PUD on adjacent properties and, conversely, to minimize undesirable impact of adjacent land use and development characteristics on the PUD.
   (b)   Minimum Lot Requirements. The minimum lot size for the overall PUD is 2 acres. The minimum lot width is 250 feet.
   (c)   Minimum Lot Size within a PUD. The minimum lot size provisions of other sections of the Zoning Ordinance are waived in a Planned Unit Development.
   (d)   Density. A dwelling unit density of not more than fifty percent greater than that permitted by highest adjacent residential zone, rounded to the nearest whole number, provided that the open space amenities described in Section 1256.06 are met. Density increases consistent with the comprehensive plan may be allowed if the proposed development can be demonstrated to better meet natural resource protection, sustainable building design, or transit-oriented development goals. No specific commercial densities are established, but should be compatible with the character and scale of established adjacent districts and of established City plans and area design guidelines adopted by City Council.
   (e)   Maximum Coverage. Building coverage and development of the site shall not exceed the percentage permitted by highest adjacent residential zone unless determined to be in conformance with adopted City plans and area design guidelines adopted by City Council.
   (f)   Landscaping Required. All common open space shall be landscaped in accordance with the landscaping plan submitted by the applicant and approved by the Tree and Public Gardens Commission. Natural landscape features which are to be preserved, such as existing trees, drainage ways, etc., may be accepted as part of the landscaping plan.
   (g)   Setback and Side Yard Requirements. Setbacks from the exterior boundary line of the PUD area shall be comparable to or compatible with those of the existing development of adjacent properties, or, if adjacent properties are undeveloped, the type of development which may reasonably be expected on such properties given the existing zoning of such properties or the Land Use Strategy adopted by City Council.
   (h)   Setbacks or Side Yards Between Buildings. The standard setbacks and yard requirements between buildings may be waived in a PUD. Buildings may have common walls and, therefore, built to the property line as in townhouse construction.
   (i)   Minimum Building Separation. Wherever buildings are separated, a minimum distance of ten feet shall be maintained between such buildings.
   (j)   Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided in a PUD in the same ratios for types of buildings and uses as required for the underlying zoning district, and as described in Chapter 1262. Board of Zoning and Planning may grant reduced parking in demonstrated cases of shared parking for compatible uses or reduced demand based on specialized development patterns focused on transportation alternatives.
   (k)   Overlay Districts. Any PUD located in an Overlay District or Architectural Review District as defined in the Codified Ordinances of the City of Bexley shall comply with the development standards of the District, except as otherwise provided to expressly vary in the Preliminary Plan.
   (l)   Retail. Individual retail uses in any PUD shall be limited to 20,000 square feet in area.
(Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16; Ord. 08-20. Passed 7-14-20.)