Commercial and Institutional District Regulations
1254.01   Establishment and intent generally.
1254.02   Compliance with regulations.
1254.03   Mixed Use Commercial District (MUC).
1254.04   General Commercial District (GC).
1254.05   Livingston Avenue District (LA).
1254.06   Main Street District (MS).
1254.07   Open Space District (OS).
1254.08   Campus Planning District (CP).
1254.09   Identification of uses.
1254.10   District regulations.
1254.11   Mixed Use Commercial (MUC) design standards.
1254.12   Livingston Avenue District (LA) Design Standards.
1254.13   Main Street District (MS) design standards.
1254.14   Main Street District special permits.
1254.15   Side yards in commercial areas.
1254.16   Erection of more than one principal structure on a lot.
1254.17   Accessory uses and structures in Commercial and Institutional Districts.
1254.18   Development within a common commercial facility.
   The following zoning districts listed and described in this chapter are hereby established for the City. For the interpretation of the Zoning Code, the Commercial, Institutional and Mixed-Use zoning districts have been formulated to realize the general intent of the Code as set forth in Section 1240.02. In addition, the specific intent of each Commercial, Institutional and Mixed-Use zoning district shall be as follows in this chapter.
(Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16.)