Capital University and Trinity Lutheran Seminary are primary influences on the southwest portion of the City. The facilities and programming needs of these institutions in the past have impacted, and in the future will continue to impact, this area. The area also includes the western end of the East Main Street, an area appropriate for mixed-use redevelopment, which would enhance the City's business corridor and tax base. Capital University and Trinity Lutheran Seminary are major property owners that must be participants in any such redevelopment.
   The purpose of the Campus Planning District, designated by the symbol "CP" in this Zoning Code and on the official zoning map, is to encourage the orderly, planned growth of the Capital University and Trinity Lutheran Seminary campuses pursuant to long range planning strategies developed by the institutions in cooperation with each other and the City and to encourage mixed use redevelopment of Main Street.
   Principles to be followed by the City, Capital University and Trinity Lutheran Seminary when considering campus expansion and development include:
   (a)   An existing structure may not be demolished until and unless an application for a replacement use or structure has been submitted, reviewed and approved by the Board of Zoning and Planning, as set forth in Chapter 1220 in accordance with a campus plan which has also been approved by the Board of Zoning and Planning.
   (b)   New development that requires additional public services must not adversely affect public services to other property owners in the area.
   (c)   At the edges of the campus, the massing, scale and height of new buildings should be appropriate to the location in terms of distance to, scale and height of surrounding structures.
   (d)   New development, infilling and redevelopment should be designed to a high standard, appropriate to the setting of the university, seminary and community.
      Priority consideration should be given to the following:
      (1)   Buffers provided between the institution and adjacent residential areas.
      (2)   Adequate off-street, campus parking should be provided by the university and seminary to meet the needs of administration, faculty, and student parking for the daily work of the university and seminary, as well as special university events including musical and athletic events, to avoid using Bexley residential streets for surplus university parking.
      (3)   Nuisances screened from public and neighborhood view.
      (4)   Accesses oriented to major streets.
      (5)   Open and/or public spaces.
   (e)   Homes, such as those adjacent to the university along Astor Avenue, College Avenue, Euclaire Avenue, Francis Avenue, Mound Street and Sheridan Avenue, require special consideration when any new development, infilling and redevelopment is considered close to the boundary.
   (f)   Mixed-use development, rather than solely academic uses, should be considered for properties on East Main Street.
   The District is divided into two zones. The bulk of the District is located in Zone 1 where permitted uses are limited to campus uses, related institutional uses and existing residential uses. Zone 2 consists of an area adjacent to Main Street. Zone 2 is appropriate for mixed-use development compatible with the redevelopment of Main Street subject to Council approved Design Guidelines, and therefore, certain retail and commercial uses are permitted and encouraged in this zone. (Ord. 29-16. Passed 11-15-16.)