1022.01 Public sidewalk defined.
1022.02 Construction requirements.
1022.03 Lowering of grade prohibited.
1022.04 Sidewalk construction abutting new buildings.
1022.05 Duty of abutting landowner to repair. (Repealed)
1022.06 Injurious materials placed or dropped on sidewalks.
1022.07 Permit required.
1022.08 Permit application.
1022.09 Owners or occupants of abutting lands to keep sidewalks free from snow and ice.
1022.99 Penalty.
Sidewalks, curbs and gutters - see Ohio R. C. 729.01
Streets, Sewers and Sidewalks Department - see ADM. Ch. 250
Driving upon sidewalks, sidewalk areas or curbs - see TRAF. 432.22
Operation of minibikes, scooters, etc. on sidewalks - see TRAF. 474.12
Duty to keep sidewalks in repair and clean - see GEN. OFF. 660.05
Sidewalk and street obstructions; damage or injury - see GEN. OFF. 660.10
“Sidewalk” means the paved portion of a street right-of-way lying outside the curb lines or lateral lines of a roadway and within the right-of-way lines intended for public use of pedestrians. It does not mean any surface created in the tree lawn area to convey pedestrians from the street to the public sidewalk nor any surface created in the front lawn area of abutting properties to convey pedestrians from the public sidewalk to the abutting property.
(Ord. 6-04. Passed 2-24-04.)
All sidewalks on any streets in the City of Bexley shall be repaired, replaced, and/or constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications set forth by the Service Director of the City of Bexley and are on file with the Building Department of the City of Bexley.
(Ord. 47-08. Passed 7-8-08.)
No depression or lowering of the level or grade of sidewalks shall be permitted for the purpose of making or constructing a driveway or entrance to private or public property or premises bounding or abutting on such sidewalk unless such prohibition prohibits access to the private or public property as determined by the Service Director.
(Ord. 6-04. Passed 2-24-04.)