(a)    No person, being the owner, proprietor, lessee, person in charge or employee of any restaurant, drive-in, lunch stand, store or other place of business, between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following morning, shall sell or serve or cause to be sold or served any food, drink or confection intended to be consumed on the premises of such restaurant, drive-in, lunch stand, store or other place of business, outside the building wherein the business of such seller is conducted, or on the streets or public ways adjacent thereto.
   (b)    This section shall not apply to restaurants, drive-ins, lunch stands, stores or other places of business maintaining lighted and attended parking lots in connection therewith when all parts of such parking lots are located in excess of 125 feet from any property zoned R-3-Low Density Single Family Residential, R-6-Medium Density Single Family Residential, R-12-Low Density Multifamily Residential, R-24-Medium Density Multifamily Residential, PUR-Planned Unit Residential or OS-Open Space.
(Ord. 26-73. Passed 11-13-73.)