(a) No person shall, with intent to attract common pigeons, crows, mourning doves, blackbirds, starlings, grackles or other large, flocking, wild non-game birds or wild quadrupeds, place any edible item in any manner or place where such edible item shall be accessible to such common pigeons, crows, mourning doves, blackbirds, starlings, grackles or other large, flocking, wild non-game birds or wild quadrupeds.
(b) Nothing herein shall be construed as in any manner limiting or restricting the feeding of cardinals, redbirds, bluebirds, larks, wrens, sparrows, chicadees, nuthatches, titmice, hummingbirds and other small, wild non-game birds and wild or domestic song birds, provided, however, that any such fee set out or placed for the feeding of such small, wild, non- game birds or wild or domestic song birds shall not consist, in whole or in part, of corn or soybeans in any size or shape.
(c) The placing of any edible item in such a manner as to attract common pigeons, crows, mourning doves, blackbirds, starlings, grackles or other large, flocking, wild non-game birds or wild quadrupeds shall be deemed prima-facie evidence of intent to attract such common pigeons, crows, mourning doves, blackbirds, starlings, grackles or other large, flocking, wild non-game birds or wild quadrupeds.
(Ord. 15-69. Passed 5-27-69.)
(d) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues and for each placing of edible items as herein prohibited.