(a) No person shall keep any kind of pigeon within the City other than pedigreed homing, highflying or air-performing pigeons.
(b) No pedigreed homing, highflying or air-performing pigeons shall be kept within the City otherwise than in compliance with the following requirements and regulations:
(1) Such pigeons shall be confined in a loft and flypen of a design and construction approved by a recognized national homing or fancy pigeon association, which loft and flypen shall:
A. Be kept dry, well ventilated and with windows so placed as to admit sunlight;
B. Be kept whitewashed or painted within;
C. Be cleaned at least once a week between October 1 and April 1, and twice a week between April 1 and October 1, or oftener, if necessary; and
D. Be located not nearer than twenty-five feet from any residence.
(2) A permit to erect and maintain any such loft and flypen shall be issued by the Superintendent of Buildings to an applicant only upon his written request therefor, accompanied by the signed consents of not less than eighty percent of all adult persons living within a radius of 100 feet from the site of such loft and flypen.
(3) Homing and air-performing pigeons shall be confined within the loft or flypen except during the following periods:
A. For periods not to exceed one and one-half hours in the morning and during a like period in the afternoon; and
B. From March 15 to July 15 of any year, such pigeons between the ages of thirty-five and forty-seven days may be permitted to fly at large during the morning or afternoon, but no such pigeons shall be permitted to fly at large for more than such twelve successive days.
(4) Highflying pigeons may be permitted to fly at large at the discretion of their owner provided that flights are continuous and that such pigeons return to their loft immediately upon completion of such flight.
(c) No person, except the owner thereof, shall catch, kill, capture or detain any homing, highflying or air-performing pigeon, which at the time of its capture or detention has upon its leg a seamless numbered band as issued by any national pigeon organization or by the United States Army, Navy or Marine Corps, or which has upon its leg a band bearing the name or initials of its owner, or which has the name of its owner stamped upon a tail or wing- feather. No person shall molest a pigeon of the above description that has been grounded by injury or bad weather.
(Ord. 9-46. Passed 3-26-46.)
(d) Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues. Punishment shall be as provided in Section 698.02.