(a)   Classification of Employees. For purposes of this section, elected and appointed officials and all employees who are not members of a bargaining unit governed by a collective bargaining agreement are classified as follows:
      (1)   Schedule I Full-time salaried and hourly employees;
      (2)   Schedule II Elected and appointed officials; and
      (3)   Schedule III Part-time, temporary and seasonal employees.
   (b)   Definitions. As used in this section:
      (1)   "Exempt employee" means the Police Chief, Police Captain, Service Director, Finance Director, Director of Recreation, Recreation Supervisors, Director of Development, Director of Technology, Director of Building Services and any other employee who is determined by virtue of his or her duties and responsibilities to be exempt from the provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.
      (2)   "Full-time employee" means a salaried or hourly employee whose regular hours of work equal or exceed the regular work hours set forth in subsection (c)(11) hereof.
      (3)   "Non-exempt employee" means any employee of the City who is not an exempt employee.
      (4)   "Part-time employee" means an employee whose regular hours of work are less than the regular work hours set forth in subsection (c)(11) hereof. (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11.)
      (5)   “Seasonal employee" means an employee who works a certain regular season or period of the year performing some work limited to that season or period of the year. Seasonal appointments will be made for a period not to exceed ten (10) months in the Recreation and Parks Department and nine (9) months in the Service Department. Seasonal employees will be given beginning and ending employment dates at the time of hire. Seasonal employees cannot be hired into other positions within the City unless they resign their seasonal appointment. "Summer only" maintenance employees including student help are not classified as seasonal employees. (Ord. 3-11. Passed 1-25-11.)
      (6)   "Temporary employee" means an employee whose work period is for a limited period of time, as fixed by the appointing authority, and not to exceed six months. A temporary employee may not be rehired in a temporary or seasonal capacity following the end of the term of temporary employment.
      (7)   "Casual employee" means an employee who works an irregular schedule of hours, on an as needed basis, not to exceed 500 hours in a calendar year.
      (8)   "Unskilled labor position" means a position of employment designated as an unskilled labor position by ordinance of the City Council of Bexley, for which there are minimal or no experience or educational requirements, or which primarily involve responsibilities for leading or supervising City-sponsored recreational or educational activities.
      (9)   "Service Department Supervisors" means any employee who has been promoted to a supervisory position within the City and who was previously a member of the AFSCME union.
   (c)    Schedule I - Full-Time Salaried and Hourly Employees. The benefits and terms and conditions of employment for Schedule I employees shall be as follows:
      (1)   Bereavement leave. In the event of the death of an employee's mother, father, sister, brother, current spouse, child, current domestic partner, current mother-in-law, current father-in-law, current sister-in-law,          current brother-in-law, current step child, current daughter-in-law, current son-in-law, current stepmother, current stepfather, grandmother, grandfather, current grandmother-in-law, current grandfather-in-law, legal guardian or other person who stands in the place of a parent or for whom the employee stands in loco parentis, the employee shall be granted three working days off as sick leave with regular pay to attend the funeral or to attend to any other necessary business. If the funeral occurs outside of the State of Ohio, the employee may be granted sick leave usage for a maximum of five working days if he or she actually attends the funeral. Additional days of sick leave or leave without pay may be approved by the Mayor on a case-by-case basis.
      (2)   Clothing allowance.
         A.    Police Chief and Police Captain. The Police Chief and Police Captain are entitled to the clothing allowance provided in the collective bargaining agreement governing uniformed members of the Bexley Police Department. (Ord. 29-12. Passed 8-28- 12.)
         B.    Other Schedule I Employees. The Service Department Supervisors will receive a clothing allowance equal to that which Service Department employees are provided in the current collective bargaining agreement between the City and such hourly employees.
            The yearly clothing allowance provided in this subsection is intended to be used for the purchase of boots, gloves, parkas, hats and other clothing required in connection with the employee's job and which must be provided by him/her.
         C.    Police Executive Assistant. The Police Executive Assistant will receive equivalent an annual clothing allowance of $250.
         D.    Invoices. Payment of or reimbursement for the purchase of clothing pursuant to Subsections A and B shall be made only upon the submission of invoices for all such purchases to the City.
      (3)   Holidays.
         A.    Police Chief and Captain. Holidays for the Police Chief and Police Captain will be as follows:
            New Year's Day
            Martin Luther King Jr. Day
            President's Day
            Memorial Day
            Labor Day
            Bexley Day (Marking the day of Bexley’s founding - observed second Monday in August)
            Veterans Day
            Thanksgiving Day
            Friday following Thanksgiving Day
            Christmas Day
         Exempt employees shall not be entitled to holiday pay above and beyond normal salary.
         B.    All other Schedule I employees. Holidays for all other Schedule I employees will be as follows:
            New Year's Day
            Martin Luther King Jr. Day
            Presidents Day
            Memorial Day
            Independence Day
            Bexley Day (Marking the day of Bexley’s founding - observed second Monday in August)
            Labor Day
            Thanksgiving Day
            Friday following Thanksgiving Day
            Christmas Day
         C.    Unless otherwise directed by the Mayor, an employee subject to this subsection will not work on a scheduled holiday.
         D.    Non-exempt employees subject to this subsection who are required to work on a holiday will receive double-time for hours worked, and exempt employees shall not be entitled to overtime pay for holidays worked by them. The extra pay will be included in the regular payroll in which the holiday occurs. Any person absent the working day before or after a holiday, without prior approval, shall not be paid for that holiday.
         E.   At the discretion of the Mayor, the City offices may remain open on Bexley Day, and this may be a floating holiday. Employees may request this day off with pay through the year. Bexley Day must be used by December 31st of each calendar year or it will be forfeited.
         F.   The Mayor, at their sole discretion, may grant non-bargaining unit employees additional hours off work on the work day preceding or following one of the holidays set forth in this section.
            (Ord. 28-21. Passed 8-24-21; Ord. 25-22. Passed 8-9-22; Ord. 4-23. Passed 2-21-23; Ord. 07-24. Passed 3-26-24.)
      (4)    Injury leave.
         A.    All Schedule I employees may be allowed injury leave for service connected injuries with pay not to exceed 60 total work days (120 total work days in the case of the Police Chief and the Police Captain) in a calendar year. Said injury leave shall not be cumulative from year to year, shall be charged at the rate of one hour for each work hour absent and may be extended by City Council in its discretion on such terms as it shall establish in a particular case.
         B.    Injury leave may be granted upon the recommendation of the department head and the approval of the Mayor only for injuries determined by a licensed physician (and/or in consultation with a City designated physician at the discretion of the Mayor) to have so disabled the employee that he or she cannot perform the duties of his or her position. The physician shall submit a written statement to the City providing information regarding the duration of the injury or disability, the cause of such injury or disability, and the employee's ability to perform his or her assigned duties.
         C.    If injury leave is granted by the Mayor, a written report explaining approval of injury leave shall be filed with the Auditor. Once injury leave has been initially granted by the Mayor, extensions thereof may be granted as Council directs.
         D.    In the case of the Police Chief and the Police Captain, all heart and respiratory diseases will be considered job-related for purposes of this section.
         E.    Injury leave with pay shall not be granted, when, by nature of the injury or disability, an employee is entitled to wage benefits under the Workers' Compensation Laws of the State, until, and only if, an agreement is signed by the employee and the City, whereby the employee agrees to reimburse the City for any wage or salary benefits received by him or her as a claimant from the Department of Workers' Compensation for the time period for which injury pay is awarded.
         F.    All such unreimbursed-reimbursed injury pay compensation shall be charged against the allowable annual injury leave up to the maximum number of hours specified in subsection A, or extensions thereof by Council, by dividing the total unreimbursed injury pay by the employee's regular hourly rate of pay. Should the employee use the maximum allowable injury leave within a calendar year, and still be unable to return to work, such employee may, with the approval of his or her department head and the Mayor, utilize any accrued sick leave to compensate for the difference between the workers' compensation benefits and his full City pay by making the same computation to determine hours utilized.
         G.    The provisions of this subsection dealing with injury leave are separate and distinct from the provisions relating to the accumulation and usage of sick leave in subsection (c)(12).
      (5)    Insurance. The City shall contract with one or more entities authorized to do business in this State to provide the following insurance benefits to all Schedule 1 employees.
         A.    Life. A policy of group life insurance in the amount of $50,000 per employee shall be fixed by this section covering all employees at no cost to the employee; and
            (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11.)
         B.    Health. A contract or contracts providing group health, hospital, surgical, major medical, dental and vision insurance with such benefits as shall be fixed annually by contract covering all employees. The City shall offer employees group health insurance coverage, with the City paying eighty percent (80%) and each covered employee paying twenty percent (20%) of the premium cost of the plan. Any co-payment shall be paid by each covered employee by automatic payroll deduction.
            (Ord. 29-12. Passed 8-28-12.)
         C.    Dental and Vision. The City shall offer employees dental and vision insurance coverage, with the City paying fifty percent (50%) of the premium cost of the dental and/or vision insurance plan. (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11.)
         D.    Police Chief and Police Captain. Life, Health, and Dental and Vision insurance shall be provided to the Police Chief and Police Captain under the same terms and conditions as provided in the collective bargaining agreement governing the uniformed members of the Bexley Police Department.
            (Ord. 29-12. Passed 8-28-12.)
         E.    Service Department Supervisors. Life, Health, and Dental and Vision insurance shall be provided to Service Department Supervisors under the same terms and conditions as provided, from time to time, in the collective bargaining agreement governing Service Department employees.
      (6)    Jury duty. The City shall grant full pay where an employee is summoned for any jury duty or subpoenaed as a witness by any court or other adjudicatory body. All compensation for such duty must be reimbursed to the City unless such duty is performed totally outside of normal working hours. It is not proper to pay employees when appearing in court for criminal or civil cases, when the case is being heard in connection with the employee's personal matters, such as traffic court, divorce court proceedings, custody, appearing as directed with juveniles, etc. These absences would be leave without pay or vacation time at the discretion of the employee. An employee shall request prior approval for court leave, in order for such leave to be granted.
         (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11.)
      (7)   Longevity pay.
         A.    The Police Chief and Police Captain shall be entitled to any longevity pay provisions that may be provided, from time to time, in the collective bargaining agreement governing uniformed members of the Bexley Police Department.
            (Ord. 29-12. Passed 8-28-12.)
         B.    The Service Department Supervisors shall be entitled to any longevity pay provisions that may be provided, from time to time, in the collective bargaining agreement governing Service Department employees. (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11.)
         C.   Effective January 1, 2013 all Schedule I employees shall be entitled to longevity pay after continued employment for the indicated period of years. Such longevity pay shall be paid annually and be included in the next regular pay following the employee's anniversary date as follows:
            After 4 through 8 consecutive years         $950.00
            After 9 through 14 consecutive years      $1100.00
            After 15 through 19 consecutive years      $1250.00
            After 20 consecutive years            $1500.00
            (Ord. 9-13. Passed 6-25-13.)
      (8)    Military leave.
         A.    Employees who are members of the Ohio National Guard, the Ohio Defense Corps, the State and Federal Militia or members of other reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States are entitled to leave of absence from their respective duties without loss of pay for such time as they are in the military service on field training or active duties for periods not to exceed a total of thirty-one calendar days in one calendar year.
         B.    Employees are required to submit to the City an order or statement from the appropriate military commander as evidence of such duty. There is not a requirement that the service be in one continuous period of time. The maximum number of hours for which payment will be made in any one calendar year under this provision is 176 hours. Employees who are members of those components listed in paragraph A. above will be granted emergency leave for mob, riot, flood, civil defense or similar duties when so ordered by the Governor to assist civil authorities. Such emergency leave will be without pay if it exceeds authorized military leave for the year (thirty-one days). The leave will cover the official period of the emergency.
      (9)    Overtime.
         A.    Exempt employees. Exempt employees shall not be entitled to receive additional compensation for hours worked in excess of the regular work period set forth in subsection (c)(11) hereof.
         B.    Non-exempt employees. Non-exempt employees who work in excess of forty hours per regular work period as set forth in subsection (c)(11) hereof shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's straight time hourly rate of     pay. The Superintendent of Maintenance, the Service Superintendent, the Grounds Maintenance Supervisor, Assistant Service Supervisor and all hourly employees, when called into work for emergency reasons, will be paid time and one-half for a minimum of three hours regardless of the hours actually worked. No employee shall be paid for overtime work which has not been authorized by his or her supervisor. For purposes of calculating overtime, hours worked shall include any approved leave, including holidays, vacation, personal days, and injury, military and sick leave.
            1.    Court pay. Non-exempt employees will be paid in the case of Bexley Mayor's Court appearances in his or her official capacity as a witness for, or otherwise on behalf of, the City, a minimum of two hours overtime, and in the case of all appearances before other courts a minimum of three hours overtime will be paid provided that such appearances in his or her official capacity as a witness for, or otherwise on behalf of, the City occur during an employee's off duty hours.
            2.    Training. Non-exempt employees who work overtime resulting from attendance at a regularly scheduled training or educational school class or clinic, overtime will be calculated at one and one-half times the number of hours actually worked in training.
            3.    Compensatory time. An employee may accumulate and maintain up to forty hours of compensatory time. The employee must notify the City each pay period to indicate that they want this earned overtime to be accumulated as compensatory time. Compensatory time off requests must be made in advance and are subject to supervisory approval. Compensatory time may be carried over up until January 31st of the succeeding year adjusted to the rate of pay in effect in the preceding year.
(Ord. 19-24. Passed 8-27-24; Ord. 23-24. Passed 9-10-24.)
      (10)   Personal days. Each Schedule I employee shall be entitled to three personal days, except the Police Chief and Police Captain who will receive five personal days, to be taken during the calendar year at the discretion of the employee and upon approval by the department head, or, in the case of a department head, the Mayor. During an employee's first calendar year, personal days shall be accrued based on the number of months of continuous service with the City as follows: one personal day after one month's service; one personal day after six months service; one personal day after eight months service. Thereafter, personal days for an employee shall accrue as of January 1, of each year. Personal days are non-cumulative and are not considered sick days or holidays, and therefore, are not subject to the employee receiving pay in lieu of the days off.
      (11)   Regular work period and hours of work. The regular work period shall consist of five consecutive workdays and two consecutive days off; provided that the Director of Recreation may, with the approval of the Mayor, establish a different schedule of workdays, work hours and days off for Recreation Supervisors and Recreation Activities Leaders. The regular hours of work for full-time employees hired on or after January 1, 2014 shall be eight hours per day. For payroll and overtime eligibility, the work week shall be defined as 12:01 a.m. Monday to 12:00 a.m. Sunday. The Mayor may, when he determines such change to be necessary, amend the regular work period and work hours for any employee.
(Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11; Ord. 23-24. Passed 9-10-24.)
      (12)   Sick leave.
         A.    Police Chief and Police Captain. The Police Chief and Police Captain are entitled to sick leave accrual and use under the terms provided in the collective bargaining agreement governing uniformed members of the Bexley Police Department.
            (Ord. 29-12. Passed 8-28-12.)
         B.    Sick leave accrual.
            1.   Effective September 1, 2019, for each completed 80 hour bi-weekly pay period in active pay status (including, but not limited to, vacation, sick and personal leave), an employee shall earn 4.616 hours of sick leave. Employees who work less than 80 hours in a bi-weekly pay period shall earn a pro-rated share of sick leave. The amount of sick leave time which may be accrued is 2,100 hours. Sick leave shall be paid at the employee’s rate of pay in effect at the time the leave is used. (Ord. 9-13. Passed 4-9-13; Ord. 23-19. Passed 9-10-19; Ord. 39-19. Passed 12-10-19; Ord. 23-24. Passed 9-10-24.)
            2.   Service Department Supervisors are entitled to sick leave accrual and use under the terms provided in the collective bargaining agreement governing AFSCME members of the Bexley Service Department.
               (Ord. 12-12. Passed 3-27-12.)
         C.   Use of sick leave. An employee may request sick leave for the following reasons:
            1.   Illness or injury of the employee or a member of their immediate family.
            2.   Exposure of the employee or a member of their immediate family to a contagious disease which would have the potential of jeopardizing the health of the employee or the health of others.
            3.   Death of a member of an employee's immediate family.
            4.   Necessary medical, dental or optical examinations or treatment of the employee or their immediate family.
            5.   Pregnancy, childbirth and/or related medical conditions of employee or a member of their immediate family.
            For purposes of this subsection, the "immediate family" is defined as only: mother, father, brother, sister, child, current spouse, domestic partner, grandparent, grandchild, current mother-in-law, current father-in-law, current sister-in-law, current brother-in-law, current daughter-in-law, current son-in-law, legal guardian or other person who stands in the place of a parent, or for whom the employee stands in loco parentis.
               For the purposes of this subsection, a "domestic partner" relationship is defined as individuals who share a regular and permanent residence; have a committed personal relationship; can demonstrate financial interdependence; are not related by blood and; who are not legally married or in another domestic partnership. In cases where an employee requests to use sick leave for the illness or injury of a domestic partner, the employee must have a complete and signed affidavit attesting to the relationship on file with Human Resources.
(Ord. 19-24. Passed 8-27-24.)
         D.   Sick leave approval. An employee requesting sick leave shall inform their supervisor prior to the start of work hours. Police personnel must radio the dispatcher on duty of the fact at least one hour (two hours in the case of the Police Sergeants) prior to their scheduled starting time. Failure to do so may result in denial of sick leave for the period of absence unless the employee provides to the department a handwritten explanation for noncompliance which the department head reasonably determines to be acceptable. The City may require an employee to furnish a satisfactory written, signed statement to justify the use of sick leave. If medical attention is required, a certificate from a licensed physician or practitioner may be required to justify the use of sick leave. The employee may be required to submit to a medical examination if the City suspects sick leave abuse. Falsification of information given verbally, by written, signed statement, by a physician's or practitioner's certificate or by any other means, shall be grounds for disciplinary action including dismissal.
         E.   Termination of service. When a full-time employee terminates service, they also will receive one hour of pay for each eight hours of unused sick leave to their credit for total unused sick leave up to and including 320 hours and one hour of pay for each four hours of unused sick leave in excess of 320 hours up to and including 2,100 hours. The payment shall be calculated in accordance with subsection A. hereof and shall constitute payment in full of all sick leave credit accrued but unused by the employee. No payment will be made to any employee, for any unused sick leave, unless it is in excess of 232 hours. When termination of service results from the death of the employee, all unused sick leave to their credit shall be paid at the rate set forth above, in a lump sum to their surviving spouse or, if there is no spouse, to their estate. If the Police Chief or the Police Captain is killed in the line of duty, all unused sick leave to their credit shall be paid on the basis of one hour of pay for each hour of unused sick leave at the rate in effect at the time of their death in a lump sum to their surviving spouse or, if there is no spouse, to their estate.
            Payout of sick leave upon termination under this section, other than due to retirement, shall only include sick leave earned while employed with the City of Bexley.
            (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11; Ord. 44-15. Passed 11-10-15; Ord. 23-19. Passed 9-10-19; Ord. 26-21. Passed 8-10-21.)
      (13)   Tuition reimbursement program. 
         A.    Participation. Employees are eligible to participate in a tuition reimbursement program. Participation shall be voluntary and available only for job-related, self-development courses taken during non-working hours. All course work must be taken in accordance with a planned program approved in advance by the employee's department head. (Ord. 19-21. Passed 6-8-21.)
         B.    Reimbursement. For approved courses, an employee shall be reimbursed one hundred percent (100%) of the tuition expense and expenses incurred for required textbooks, to a maximum of four thousand dollars ($4,000) during each calendar year, provided that the employee satisfactorily completes the approved course by attaining a grade C or better, or an equivalent. No reimbursement is available for a any other expense related to course attendance. Reimbursements shall be made to an employee upon submission of official transcripts, tuition statements and receipts for textbooks.
         C.    Tuition Reimbursement Repayment. If an employee, within two years of receipt of tuition reimbursement, leaves City employment for any reason other than to commence regular or disability retirement, the employee shall repay the City any and all tuition reimbursement received during the two-year period prior to leaving City employment.
         D.    Annual Tuition Reimbursement Cap. The City shall cap overall tuition reimbursements based on annual appropriations, with reimbursements provided on a "first come, first served" basis. (Ord. 19-21. Passed 6-8-21.)
      (14)   Vacations.
         A.   Grant.
            1.    Police Chief and Police Captain. The Police Chief and Police Captain are entitled to any vacation with pay provisions as provided, from time to time, in the collective bargaining agreement governing uniformed members of the Bexley Police Department.
               (Ord. 29-12. Passed 8-28-12.)
            2.    Service Department Supervisors. The Service Department Supervisors shall be entitled to any vacation with pay provisions that may be provided, from time to time, in the collective bargaining agreement governing Service Department employees.
               (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11.)
            3.   All other Schedule I employees. Vacation with pay will be granted to all other Schedule employees on the anniversary date of hire based upon years of continuous employment with the City, unless otherwise required by City ordinance or law, as follows:
               After end of 3 month = 20 hours accrued
               After end of 6 months= Additional 20 hours accrued
               After end of 9 months = Additional 20 hours accrued
               After end of 12 months =Additional 20 hours accrued
               End of years 1 through 3rd year= 10 workdays
               Beginning of year 4 through 7th year= 12 workdays
               Beginning of year 8 through 11th year= 16 workdays
               Beginning of 12 through 14th year= 17 workdays
               Beginning of year 15 through 17th year= 21 workdays
               Beginning of year 18 through 21st year= 22 workdays
               Beginning of year 22 through termination = 26 workdays
               (Ord. 24-14. Passed 5-27-14.)
            4.   Vacation accrual for new employees. With approval of the Mayor and the Auditor, new employees with substantial workplace experience may be provided with up to 80 hours of paid vacation accrual. (Ord. 31-21. Passed 8-24-21.)
         B.   Accrual and Carry Over. Effective January 1, 2013, subject to the approval of the department head or, in the case of a department head, the Mayor or Auditor, as appropriate, accrued vacation may be scheduled to be taken in two-hour increments by Schedule I employees. Each employee shall be required to schedule a full vacation during every anniversary year. It shall be the City’s general policy that every employee shall use his or her vacation by the employee’s anniversary date of each calendar year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a maximum of ten days of vacation time may be carried over from year to year upon the written request of an employee to his or her department head, or in the case of a department head, the Mayor or Auditor, as appropriate. (Ord. 9-13. Passed 6-25-13.)
         C.    Termination of employment. An employee who is separated from City service through removal, resignation, retirement or a layoff and who has unused vacation leave to his or her credit, shall be paid in a lump sum for such unused vacation leave to his or her credit at the time of separation. When an employee dies, any unused vacation leave to his or her credit shall be paid in a lump sum to the surviving spouse or, if there is no spouse, the estate of the deceased employee.
          D.    Credit for prior service. Newly hired employees will be granted service credit for vacation accrual pursuant to their prior public employment with another municipality within the State of Ohio. In cases of newly hired employees who have prior full time employment experience other than with a municipality within the State of Ohio, the Mayor may, with the concurrence of the Auditor, provide credit for prior service.
            (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11; Ord. 31-21. Passed 8-24-21.)
      (15)   Compensation. Employees will be paid the salary, wages or other compensation provided for in the annual pay ordinance enacted by Council. (Ord. 9-13. Passed 6-25-13.)
      (16)   Wellness payment.
         A.    Police Chief and Police Captain. If the Police Captain does not request and is not granted sick leave, except bereavement leave pursuant to subsection (c)(1) hereof, during each three calendar months of continuous service, he or she shall, in addition to the accumulation of the sick leave, have the option of receiving one (1) day's pay or one (1) day off with pay, up to a maximum of two (2) days per calendar year. If the bonus option is elected, the bonus shall be paid as soon as practicable after it is earned and shall be in addition to all other pay and allowances. Vacation, personal days or injury leave may not be used in lieu of sick leave to qualify for the wellness payment.
            (Ord. 29-12. Passed 8-28-12.)
         B.    Service Department Supervisors. The Service Department Supervisors shall be entitled to any wellness pay provisions that may be provided, from time to time, in the collective bargaining agreement governing Service Department employees.
            (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11.)
         C.   Effective January 1, 2020, all Schedule I employees who work a full quarter of a year without any use of sick leave shall be entitled to receive one (1) day off with pay or eight hours of straight time to be paid, if practicable, on the next full pay period. The day off with pay must be used in the quarter following the period during which it was earned or the day is lost. The City agrees to cooperate with employees in the scheduling of each day off but the decision on scheduling a particular day off shall be at the sole discretion of the City. Use of sick leave as bereavement leave shall not deprive an employee of the wellness payment.
            (Ord. 9-13. Passed 6-25-13; Ord. 39-19. Passed 12-10-19.)
      (17)   Fitness Incentive for Police Chief and Police Captain. The Police Chief and Police Captain are entitled to the fitness incentives provided in the collective bargaining agreement governing uniformed members of the Bexley Police Department. (Ord. 29-12. Passed 8-28-12.)
      (18)   Assistant Service Superintendent. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsection (c)(18) was repealed by Ordinance 9-13.)
      (19)   Option to decline group health insurance coverage.   
         A.   On the effective date of this subsection, employees who are able to obtain health insurance coverage through a spouse or other source may choose to decline or reduce coverage under the City’s group health insurance plan. An eligible employee who declines coverage in its entirety shall be entitled to receive an annual payment from the City as follows: family coverage - $3,000.00, employee/spouse coverage - $2,500.00, employee/children coverage - $2,500.00, and employee only coverage - $2,000.00. Payments will be made quarterly as soon after the end of each calendar quarter as administratively practicable. Non-schedule I employees that are otherwise eligible for City health insurance shall be eligible for employee-one decline payments under the terms and conditions outlined above.
            (Ord. 28-12. Passed 6-12-12; Ord. 39-19. Passed 12-10-19.)
         B.    In order to be eligible to exercise this option, an employee must provide the City with a completed, signed waiver-form indicating that the employee has voluntarily chosen to decline the City supplied group health insurance (single and family coverage) and that the employee has an alternative source of health insurance coverage. The City will provide employees with a form for this purpose. An eligible employee wishing to exercise the option to receive cash in-lieu-of group health insurance coverage must submit a request to do so, together with the completed waiver form during the annual enrollment period. Employees who fail to meet these requirements must wait until the next enrollment period to exercise the cash in-lieu of group health insurance coverage option.
         C.    Employees who have opted out of the City-supplied group health insurance coverage under this provision may later decide to obtain coverage under the City's group health insurance plan by submitting a completed, signed form to the City during the next annual enrollment period. The City will provide employees with an application form for this purpose. Employees who apply for City-supplied group health insurance coverage during the annual open enrollment period are not subject to pre-existing condition limitations.
         D.    Employees who have opted out of City-supplied group health insurance coverage and who lose their alternative source of group health insurance coverage may apply to the City to join or rejoin the City-supplied group health insurance plan at times other than the annual enrollment period. In such instances, the City reserves the right to require the employee to provide proof of the loss of alternative insurance coverage and to repay, on a pro rata basis, any cash the City previously paid to the employee for periods in which the employee will participate in the City-provided coverage. An eligible employee who joins or rejoins the City-supplied group health insurance plan under this subsection D. will receive insurance coverage (subject to all limitations and conditions that apply to such coverage) under the plan commencing at the beginning of the month following:
            1.    Loss of coverage, or
            2.    The date of the application for coverage under the City supplied group health insurance coverage due to loss of coverage; whichever occurs later.
            Employees who obtain City-supplied group health insurance coverage after the loss of an alternative source of coverage are not subject to pre-existing condition limitations.
         E.    An employee who separates from City employment, voluntarily or involuntarily, must repay to the City on a pro-rata basis cash received in lieu of insurance coverage corresponding to the period of time following the employee's separation date. The City will automatically withhold this sum from the employee's final paycheck. An employee's obligation to repay this sum is not extinguished in the event that his or her final paycheck is not large enough to completely repay the amount owed to the City.
         F.    This section involves group health insurance coverage only and in no way affects employees' eligibility for City-supplied vision, dental or life insurance coverage, if any.
      (20)   Purchase of Service Handgun by Retiring Police Chief or Police Captain. A Police Chief or Police Captain who honorably retires from active duty may purchase his/her service handgun from the City and shall be entitled to receive a badge signifying the member's retired status. The cost of the service handgun shall be one dollar {$1.00).
         A.    If the Police Chief or Police Captain is marked-off for a stress related or psychological condition at the time of his/her retirement, he/she will not receive his/her service handgun and/or badge, unless he/she provides the Mayor with a statement within ninety (90) days of retirement from a psychiatrist or licensed psychologist that the Police Chief or Police Captain is competent to receive his/her service handgun and/or badge. If such a statement is provided to the Mayor within ninety (90) days of retirement, the member shall be given the opportunity to purchase his/her service handgun and/or shall receive his/her badge.
         B.    In the event that a Police Chief or Police Captain retires in a dishonorable status due to a pending administrative or criminal investigation, the member's badge and gun will not be released. However, at the conclusion of said investigation, the Mayor will make a final determination as to whether the badge and gun will be permanently withheld.
      (21)   Authority of Collective Bargaining Agreement. The City may, from time to time, enter into a Collective Bargaining Agreement with city employees. In such instances where the provisions of an active Collective Bargaining Agreement conflict with the provisions of Section 262.02 , the Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be the authoritative and overriding agreement with respect to benefits and the terms and conditions of employment.
      (22)   Authority of Police Chief Contract. The City may, from time to time, enter into an Employment Contract with the Chief of Police. In such instances where the provisions of an active Employment Contract conflict with the provisions of Section 262.02, the Employment Contract shall be the authoritative and overriding agreement with respect to benefits and the terms and conditions of employment for the Chief of Police. (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11.)
      (23)   Paid parental leave.
         A.   All full-time employees eligible and approved by the City of Bexley for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) based upon the birth or adoption of a child, if the employee is a biological parent, spouse or domestic partner, or legal guardian, and the child resides with the employee, will be eligible for partial payment of their current salary during their absence without the use of banked paid time off under paid parental leave.
         B.   Eligible employees will be required to adhere to a two week waiting period before paid parental leave benefits begin. Employees may use their banked paid time off during this initial waiting period.
         C.   Eligible employees will receive fifty percent of their current salary, for a period of no longer than ten weeks following the two week waiting period. Employees may use their banked paid time off for the remaining fifty percent of their current salary (for a total of 100 percent current salary).
         D.   Eligible employees will receive paid parental leave on a bi-weekly basis. (Ord. 20-20. Passed 5-12-20.)
   (d)    Elected and Appointed Officials. The benefits and terms and conditions of employment for Schedule II employees shall be as follows:
      (1)   Elected officials. All elected officials shall be eligible to participate in the City's group life, health, dental and vision insurance programs at the same benefit levels and coverage and on the same terms that such coverages are provided to Schedule I employees and such other insurance benefits, if any, as shall be mandated by state law; provided, however, that:
         A.    The co-payment of any member of Council who elects to receive all or a portion of his or her compensation in the form of insurance benefits shall be determined in accordance with Section 32, as amended, of the City Charter or any ordinance fixing the compensation of members of Council elected to terms beginning on or after January 1, 2004, adopted pursuant to Section 32, and
         B.    The City shall pay eighty percent (80%) and the Auditor shall pay twenty percent (20%) of the premium cost of the PPO, if the Auditor elects to participate in the City's group health insurance program. Any co-payment shall be invoiced and paid quarterly.
      (2)   City Attorney. The City Attorney shall be eligible to participate in the City's group insurance programs at the same benefit levels and coverage and on the same terms as the Auditor under subsection (d)(1) hereof. Compensation of the City Attorney shall be provided by a separate ordinance.
   (e)    Schedule Ill - Part-Time, Temporary and Seasonal Employees. The benefits and terms and conditions of employment for Schedule III employees shall be as follows:
      (1)   Holiday pay. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Former subsection (e)(1) hereof was repealed by Ordinance 43-10, passed December 7, 2010.)
      (2)   Insurance. Schedule III employees shall by default be entitled only to those insurance benefits mandated by Federal or State law, including, without limitation, Workers' Compensation benefits. The Mayor may, at the Mayor's discretion, provide health insurance benefits to part-time employees in certain situations, provided that notice be given to Council of the additional benefits being provided and the reasoning behind the exception.
      (3)   Part-time employees shall receive sick leave as set forth in Section 262.02(c)(12), including the right to cash in accrued but unused sick leave.
         (Ord. 23-19. Passed 9-10-19; Ord. 26-21. Passed 8-10-21.)
   (f)    Uniform Personnel Reporting and Recordkeeping System. The Auditor shall establish a uniform reporting and recordkeeping system for all City employees, including, without limitation, procedures and forms for recording hours worked and for requesting and
approving pay for overtime, vacations, holidays, sick leave, injury leave and personal days. (Ord. 53-11. Passed 12-13-11.)