In that area of the city located north of Santa Monica Boulevard, no solid waste container provided by the city shall be placed in the street. For single-family residential properties located north of Santa Monica Boulevard and not served by an alley, the container shall be placed for pick up in the parkway, as close as possible to the street. If there is no parkway space available for safe placement of the solid waste container, the director of public works may authorize the placement of the container in an alternate location.
No solid waste container shall be placed in any parkway or street until the day preceding the designated trash pick up day. Furthermore, no solid waste container shall remain in the parkway or street after ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. of the day designated for trash pick up.
In addition to any other remedy available to the city for violation of this section, the city may collect any container located in the public right of way in violation of this section. Return of the container will require payment of a service reactivation fee. (Ord. 98-O-2310, eff. 10-9-1998)