A.   Unlawful Discharge Of Industrial Waste: No person shall directly or indirectly discharge industrial waste into the city sewer system unless the public works administrator has determined that the substance to be discharged will not violate the provisions of this article or the water quality standard for receiving waters established by other government agencies.
   B.   Facility Maintenance: The discharger shall maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible any pretreatment or monitoring facility or control system installed by the discharger to achieve compliance with the permit requirements.
      1.   Access to such pretreatment or monitoring facilities by authorized personnel will remain unobstructed at all times.
   C.   Facility Requirements: All permittees shall comply with the following regulations and restrictions:
      1.   The industrial waste discharger shall provide, install and operate a clarifier or grease trap of adequate capacity and at a location, as determined by the public works administrator, prior to connection with the public sewer, unless it is waived by the public works administrator. Approval for the size, type and location of clarifier shall be obtained from the public works administrator and the building official prior to installation.
      2.   Sanitary wastes from rest rooms, lavatories, drinking fountains, showers, etc., shall be segregated from the process wastewaters, until necessary pretreatment and/or clarification, flow, and quality monitoring steps are completed.
      3.   Cleansers utilized in wastes discharged into the public sewer shall be limited to soap, similarly acting biodegradable synthetic detergents, and/or sodium or potassium compounds of phosphates, polyphosphates, silicates, sulfates, carbonate, bicarbonate, or hydroxide. No organic solvents shall be discharged into the public sewers.
      4.   A copy of the industrial waste permit shall be maintained at the facility so as to be available at all times to operating personnel and inspectors.
      5.   Any change in the applicant's industrial process or an increase in volume of wastes to a level in excess of twenty five thousand (25,000) gallons per day shall require notification of the public works administrator before initiation of the proposed change in the waste discharge. The public works administrator may require a new application for the issuance of an industrial discharge permit pursuant to section 6-1-309 of this article.
      6.   In the event of any change in name, ownership, or control of the company, or any change referred to in subsection C5 of this section, the discharger shall notify the public works administrator of such change, and shall notify the succeeding owner or operator of the existence of this permit by letter, copy of which shall be forwarded to the public works administrator, at least thirty (30) days prior to such change. The public works administrator may require a new application to be submitted and compliance with all applicable sections of this article.
      7.   The top of the pretreatment facilities, clarifier and inspection chamber shall be at least one inch (1") above the ground level when provided in an unroofed area. Provisions shall also be made to divert storm water away from the pretreatment facilities, clarifier and inspection chambers.
      8.   If changes should occur in plumbing layout subsequent to the issuance of an industrial waste permit, the discharger shall submit as built plumbing plans of building showing clearly the origin of wastewater, identifying the process creating the wastewater, and listing accurately for each wastewater discharge point the total daily flow in gallons and the peak flow rate in gallons per minute including location and details of pretreatment facilities, clarifier and its connection to the public sewer system for approval by the public works administrator and the building official.
      9.   A means shall be provided to effect immediate cessation of discharge of liquid chemicals, process solutions, or spent process solutions into the city sewer as a result of spills, overflows, leaks, failure of containers or inadvertent discharges. Such means of cessation shall include, but not be limited to, installation of automatic valves, gates, or bypasses to impervious containers which when activated will stop water supply to and the discharge from industrial processes. The discharger shall submit details of the proposed measures and drawings before installation and obtain approval from the public works administrator and the building official.
   D.   Uncontrolled Discharge: In the event of an uncontrolled discharge, the discharger or permittee shall immediately notify the public works administrator of the incident by telephone. The notification shall include the location of the discharge, type of material, concentration and volume, and corrective action.
      1.   Within ten (10) working days after the uncontrolled discharge, the discharger or permittee shall submit to the public works administrator a detailed written report describing the cause of the discharge, the corrective action taken and the measures to be taken to prevent future incidents. Such notification shall not relieve the discharger or permittee of liability or fines that may result from the uncontrolled discharge. (1962 Code §§ 5-6.01 et seq., 6-1.301 - 6-1.304)