A.   Purpose: The highest and best use of the city's wastewater system is the conveyance of domestic wastewater. The use of the city's wastewater system for the conveyance of industrial wastewater is subject to additional regulation and permits.
   B.   Industrial Waste Permit: No person shall discharge any industrial waste into any city sewer without first obtaining an industrial waste permit from the public works administrator.
   C.   Industrial Waste Disposal, Off Site: If a person chooses to dispose of industrial waste material by hauling said material to an authorized disposal site, he shall apply for an industrial waste permit as provided herein.
   D.   Industrial Waste Disposal, On Site: If a person chooses to operate a pretreatment facility for the disposal of industrial waste, he shall apply for an industrial waste permit as provided herein.
   E.   Application For Industrial Waste Permit: Applications for industrial waste permits shall be filed in writing with the public works administrator or his duly authorized representative and shall be supplemented by such additional information as he may require.
   F.   Permit Fee: Applications for industrial waste permits shall be accompanied by an application fee as set forth in section 6-1.310 of this article.
   G.   Review Of Applications: The public works administrator shall review all applications for industrial waste permits to determine that the proposed discharge of waste will not violate any provision of this article or state and federal laws.
      1.   Within thirty (30) days after the public works administrator receives an application for an industrial waste permit he shall, pursuant to this article, grant or deny the permit and notify the applicant of the action taken. Such time limit may be extended by mutual agreement between the public works administrator and the applicant.
   H.   Permit Conditions: The public works administrator, in granting a permit, may impose conditions consistent with the purpose of this article, including, but not limited to, pretreatment of wastewater before discharge, installation of clarifiers or grease traps, restriction of peak flow discharges or of discharge of certain substances, limitation of discharge to certain hours, and payment of additional charges to defray increased costs to the city created by the discharge. The public works administrator may establish a maximum permissible rate of discharge for each permittee.
      1.   Whenever the operators of the treatment facilities, through which effluent from the city's wastewater system is discharged, require any modification of the conditions or composition of the effluent, the public works administrator may impose conditions upon any industrial waste permit in order to conform with such requirements.
   I.   Permit Expiration: The public works administrator shall have the authority to impose a permit expiration date not to exceed a term of five (5) years, where he determines such a date is necessary to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing the disposal of industrial wastes. Application for renewal of such a permit shall be made not later than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the expiration date of the existing permit.
   J.   Permit Transfer Prohibited: Permits issued under this article are not transferable from one location to another.
   K.   Confidential Information; Public Access: Information and data concerning an industrial user obtained from reports, questionnaires, permit application, permits, monitoring programs and inspections shall be available to the public or other governmental agency without restriction unless the user specifically requests and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the public works administrator that the release of such information would divulge information, processes or methods of production entitled to protection as trade secrets of the user, as exempted by the California public records act or applicable federal regulations (40 CFR 403.14). Wastewater constituents and characteristics will not be recognized as confidential information. (1962 Code §§ 5-6.01 et seq., 6-1.301 - 6-1.304)