A.   Permit: No person shall connect to or tap a public sewer of the city or maintain a connection or tap to such sewer without obtaining a permit from the transportation and engineering department.
   B.   Easement Requirements: No permit shall be issued to connect a house sewer or house connection sewer to a public sewer if the connection or any portion thereof is in, under, or on a lot not owned by the person whose house is to be connected and no recorded easements exists authorizing the connection of such lot.
   C.   Capacity Requirements For Discharge Of Sewage: No permit shall be issued to connect to or tap a public sewer unless said sewer has sufficient sewage capacity to receive the intended discharge. The director of transportation and engineering may require the discharger to restrict the discharge until sufficient capacity is available, or to construct a public sewer to provide sufficient capacity. The director of transportation and engineering may refuse service to persons locating facilities in areas where their proposed quantity or quality of sewage or industrial wastewater is unacceptable to the available treatment facility.
   D.   Tapping Public Sewer: When, in the opinion of the director of transportation and engineering, a house connection sewer should be connected to a public sewer at a point where there is no connection facility, application for a public sewer tap shall be submitted and upon approval by the director of transportation and engineering a permit will be issued for construction of the house connection sewer.
   E.   Tapping To Be Performed In The Presence Of A City Employee: All tapping of public sewers shall be made by a licensed sewer contractor in the presence of and to the satisfaction of an inspector acting under the authority of the director of transportation and engineering.
   F.   Specifications And Grades: Connections to public sewers shall comply with the following:
      1.   House connection sewers shall be made with pipe of cast iron, clay or other material, approved by the city building official;
      2.   The pipe of the house connection sewer shall be laid in conformity with city specifications for public sewers as determined by the director of transportation and engineering;
      3.   The pipe shall be laid in a straight alignment and at a uniform slope, and shall have a fall of at least one foot (1') in fifty feet (50') unless the director of transportation and engineering determines that an exception is warranted;
      4.   The pipe must be at least three and one-half feet (31/2') below an established street or alley grade where it crosses the property line on the date of installation unless the director of transportation and engineering determines that an exception is warranted;
      5.   A collar wye or tee saddle shall be installed in tapped public sewers by cutting a property proportioned hole in the public sewer and fitting the saddle tightly in place. Wye saddles shall be placed in the side of the public sewer with the wye branch so pointed as to direct the flow from the house connection sewer downstream at approximately a forty five degree (45°) angle with the public sewer, and tilted upward at approximately forty five degrees (45°) from the horizontal. Tee saddles shall be used for connections to twelve inches (12") diameter and larger public sewers and tilted upward at approximately forty five degrees (45°) from the horizontal or as approved by the director of transportation and engineering;
      6.   No house or industrial waste connection to a public sewer shall be made, except through a wye or tee branch, without written permission from the director of transportation and engineering;
      7.   The city building official may require the installation of a backwater valve by the property owner under conditions specified in the uniform plumbing code, section 409, or under other conditions that warrant installation as determined by the city building official.
   G.   Opening Manhole: No person shall open, enter, or allow to remain open, any manhole in any public sewer without a permit from the director of transportation and engineering.
   H.   Disposal Of Effluent In Manhole; Prohibition: No person shall deposit cesspool effluent or any waste or sewage into a manhole. (1962 Code §§ 5-6.01 et seq., 6-1.301 - 6-1.304)