The city provides three (3) types of water service which includes:
   A.   Potable water for the consumption of domestic, commercial and industrial users.
      1.   Domestic service: Water services for single-family residences or multiple-unit residences not exceeding two (2) units.
      2.   Commercial services: Water services for premises devoted primarily to business or professional activities and shall include water services rendered to multiple unit residences in excess of two (2) units.
      3.   Industrial service: Water services for premises where the use is primarily in manufacturing or processing activities.
   B.   Water for fire protection service for city, commercial and industrial users. "Fire protection service" shall mean water services to premises solely for fire protection purposes.
   C.   Water for temporary service use. "Temporary service" shall mean water services for construction work and other uses where the services are required only for a limited time. (1962 Code § 5-7.01 et seq.)