Prior to the commencement of city water service, wastewater service, residential and/or commercial solid waste collection service, an application shall be filed with the city. The application shall be on the form designated by the director of public works or his/her designee, and shall be signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury. (Ord. 93-O-2185, eff. 12-17-1993)
   A.   The following applicants for city utility service shall be required to submit a security deposit:
      1.   Nonresidential applicants who have never received Beverly Hills utility service and residential applicants who have never received Beverly Hills utility service and whose credit histories do not meet the standards set forth in the rules and regulations promulgated by the director of finance administration;
      2.   Nonresidential applicants who have not received Beverly Hills utility service within the previous two (2) years and residential applicants who have not received Beverly Hills utility service and whose credit histories do not meet the standards set forth in the rules and regulations promulgated by the director of finance administration;
      3.   Applicants who have failed to pay utility service bills when payment was due two (2) or more times within the six (6) most recent billing cycles during which that applicant received service.
   B.   Existing users shall submit a security deposit or an existing security deposit shall be increased to the amount required by subsection C of this section if:
      1.   City utility service was discontinued for nonpayment of a utility service account; or
      2.   Payment of city utility service bills have become delinquent four (4) or more times within the six (6) most current billing cycles.
   C.   If required, a security deposit shall be submitted to the city prior to the commencement or reinstatement of city utility service or, if utility service is being currently provided, the deposit shall be submitted to the city within ten (10) calendar days of a request by the city.
The amount of the security deposit shall be set forth in the rules and regulations promulgated by the director of finance administration. (Ord. 93-O-2185, eff. 12-17-1993)
The following types of security shall satisfy the security deposit requirements:
   A.   Cash deposited with the city; or
   B.   Assignment to the city of a certificate of deposit or an interest in a savings account in a federal or state bank or savings and loan. All interest thereon shall accrue to the assignor; or
   C.   Such other types of security as may be designated in the rules and regulations promulgated by the public works administrator. (1988 Code)